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Christmas Wish List


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Well, santa is being very generous this christmas for me.

My christmas list is either;

2009 Onza Comp


Money (Not sure how much)


2007 Ns Bitch Frame

Saint cranks

FSA headset

E-Thirteen LG1

Sram X.9 Shifter

Sram X.9 Mech


Money (Not sure how much)


I've just got to decide between my two loves... Downhill or Trials. But you will all be glad to hear I've chose Trials :)

What are your oppinions ?


Edited by Chris.
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I have no idea what I want for christmas! I needed a new phone, so mum ordered one off the net for me, and said I can have that when it gets here as I need it now..

Other than that, all the funny little presents mum usually gets me will do. ^_^

Money would be alright too, even though I don't need to buy anything now...everything for the Mini's sorted, bike's fine...

Question: How many of you ask for bike parts for birthdays/christmas? I never have, seeing as it's my own hobby. Something that could get broken and abused... I wouldn't want my mum to spend £X amount on a bike part to see me going out bashing it on walls etc...

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Question: How many of you ask for bike parts for birthdays/christmas? I never have, seeing as it's my own hobby. Something that could get broken and abused... I wouldn't want my mum to spend £X amount on a bike part to see me going out bashing it on walls etc...

Since i got into biking just over a year ago, I've always either asked for parts, or money to get parts. They do sometimes worry that i spend so much on things to do with bikes, but after explaining to them what the parts do and why there the price they are, there fine with it :)


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God the list would go on!


echo sl stem

echo sl cranks

rear echo tyre

cnc coust pads

trialtech vp pedals

08 echo lever

khe collapse chain

tarty t-shirts

Somewhere indoor to ride all year round with no rent or payment of the sought + with electricity.

Would be brillhehye gigner allen (Y)

Edited by ginger allen echo
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