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A Strange Beast!


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My name is Dave, the middle aged man. Here is my story....

One evening, whilst browsing the internet, searching for a shiny, new, 'sweet' BMX for my 11 year old son,

I happened upon a strange beast!

This was like no BMX i'd ever seen, yet, nor was it a Mountain Bike.

Stranger still, this particular steed, bore NO SEAT!!!

"How can this be!" i said to my wife, who eloquently replied " Uh?".

This iron horse required further investigation.

Many moons past, yet further i delved. I discovered an 'Underground Scene'. Known by many, yet spoken by few.

To my amazement, I found not only, such other, similar beasts, but three different strains,

apparently known as the: 20" mod, the 26" stock and the rarely seen 24"!

This quest, lead me to the magnificent, wondorous and informative world of 'TRIALS'!!!

Anyway, enough of the wordy bollox!

I'll be posting a few questions soon and would appreciate some help/abuse.

thanks 4 ur time.


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Good effort, that must have taken time and thought, which is most unlike the majority of topics/comments in this area!

Well done!

If your enthusiasm and eloquent writing style continues, I don't think you will have any trouble finding answers to any of your woes!

Welcome to T-F I say!

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Thank you all for your kind and encouraging replies. Also, I must apologise for my use of 'txt' speak, as I am simply new to forum etiquette.

If I may pose a question?

From reading various threads/posts, concerning a choice and size of trials bike, am I detecting a certain hierarchy between mod and stock?

By this, possibly antagonistical statement, am I to assume that Mod bikes are deemed to be used by the younger and Stock by the more

mature user? Or have I, due to lack of knowledge and foresight, completely misinterpreted some of the small amount of posts/threads

I have read? I fear this may be online banter and sorry, for any offence, this question may cause.

I wecolme your replies.


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Yep, what forteh said (Y)

Most people start out on 20" bikes, but they're not solely for kids!

Everyone knows 24" is where it's at though :turned:

Nice first post by the way, made me giggle!

I see you've been validated already, have fun in the rest of the forum!


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Wow, I love that story

Bet your son gets the best bedtime ones (at 11 maybe not then)

And most people start off on mods because starting at a younger age, smaller wheels, Smaller bikes, easier to ride. (like sticking a toddler on a Full suss DH bike ain't gunna have the best results)

And they're cheaper usually so parents don't have to worry bout their kid getting bored with it, after xmas, bday etc.

With a mod being a lot smaller, movements tend to be over-exagerated and a compensated for, Thus making movements and "tricks" easier to learn, master and perfect

IMO (please go easy on me, I'm still a newb)

Edited by meki
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It's quite simple once you know. Everything is down to personal preferance. But what i would say is start out with a Mod and learn the basics and get the technique right. Once you have mastered it move on to something new such as a stock. Then, when you feel confident move onto the 24".

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if its for your son (and he is only 11) then the problem could be ergonomics.

A mod would probably be best. Trying to haul a longer stock bike around may be more difficult for a kid and may cause a loss of motivation!

Which would be a shame, also if you intend to try comps etc then a mod would be best to perfect techniques on.

Having said that i started riding very short, 'street' stock set-up at a fairly young age (12/13 i think :P ) and although it probably slowed my progress it was still great fun

So i'd say if there are any riders on here that live near you, then maybe meeting up/ going to see them riding may give you a better idea as to which bike would be best!

hope that helps


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Thanks guys. I bought my son a BMX,......erm.... the trials bikes for me! ha ha.

As i seem to be having a mid-life crisis, it was either:

(A) buy a 20" mod, a 24" or 26" stock

(B) get a 20, 24 or 26 year old mistress


© buy a full suss mountain bike and a pipe and some slippers!

26" (Y)

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Thanks guys. I bought my son a BMX,......erm.... the trials bikes for me! ha ha.

As i seem to be having a mid-life crisis, it was either:

(A) buy a 20" mod, a 24" or 26" stock

(B) get a 20, 24 or 26 year old mistress


© buy a full suss mountain bike and a pipe and some slippers!

Follow trends...

Buy a Porsche

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I didn't know Porche made trials bikes? Is the steering at the back?

As far as biking experience goes......

BMX in the mid 80's, a no name xmas pressie but way cool, chrome with blue parts. Think Onza T-Mag. Got some (was it Z rims?) The bendy ones you had to true up all the time! I also cycle raced in my later teens, road bikes, time trials, cyclo cross and track. I also bought a mountain bike in '89.

A Diamondback something? It cost £550 quid all that time ago (i'm not rich, just came into some money). It was purple with Shimano parts and a beautiful candle flame paintjob. Does anyone know the model?

Unfortunately, i've spent the last 20 years abusing my body through girls, drink etc. and have decided to turn over a new leaf.

I was attracted to trials, mainly because after breaking my ankle 2 years ago, i started practacing yoga. The mindset and balance of trials seems to be similar to me. And no, i'm not some new age hippy. I'm hoping the 8 screws and titanium plate in my ankle will make it bionic!

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Welcome aboard!

My story was somewhat similar. Nice post!

If you can find some to try out, I'd run with that, as suggested. I didn't have the option as trials is unheard of in this area on my side of the pond, so I just went for it.

Just for the record, I'm 38, about 180cm and chime in at 15 stones or so (if I did my math right). I went with a mod and couldn't be happier!

Although truth be told, I'm building a stock piece by piece. May get to try it in a year or so. :)

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