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The Childhood Stories Thread


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It was suggested, and it was done...

So post your fave childhood memory, adventure or general childish funny stuff here!

I'll go with mine:

Me and my best buddy Dan spent pretty much all our time together from the age of 5 till he moved down to Devon when we were in year 9. Even then we saw a lot of each other, but sadly he took his own life last year. Even so, memories of my childhood always include him somewhere along the line. The first fond memory that comes to mind was one of much bravery and daring!

Dan had a house near mine, and down the side of his house ran a 35 degree angled slope down to his garage - and that's no exaggeration, it was mentally steep! We used to open the garage doors at the bottom, stack all kinds of shit in the doorway like scrap wood and stuff and then hurtle down the drive, both sitting on the same skateboard to get the most speed we could till CRASH! We'd totally just done the best stunt ever in our minds.

Oh to be young again...

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Back in the day when laws were a lot more 'relaxed' around selling lighters and such, a friend (Sean) and myself scrapped together about 15p to go and buy a packet of matches - the shop owner did resist at first, but we old him that they were for his mum and that the ignition on her gas oven had broken. He took it and sold us the matches...

...so, what to do with matches other than start fires? We live by a lot of countryside...wide open fields that you're free to strool across whenever you like, away from the eyes of the public we went there. This was in the middle of the summertime and we even had a hose pipe ban on at the time, so due to the intense heat the grass has dried up so much that it became like straw.

We collected a small pile of the grass and lit it, observing the fire closely, but also our surroundings so we didn't get caught. Sean disappeared and left me in charge of it for a few moments - returning with a pile of grass so big it covered his vision. He threw it on the fire and it rapidly grew - the flames reaching about 5ft, us being about 10 or so, it towered above us.

Suddenly we heard a rustle from a nearby path - it was a couple walking their dog. We stamped and stamped at the fire but it did nothing except spread it furthur and higher, we retreated and ran at lightening speed. We're not sure what happened, if the guy put the fire out, if the fire brigade were called...but we investigated the scene the next day and the presence of a fire was certainly noticable.

We hid the matches and never told anyone about it, we were terrified we'd end up in prison or worse...our parents finding out!

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Tee hee good old times.

I got up to so much mischif it was un real. So I'll just say a few :P

When I was really young like 4-5 I ran away from home, never actually left though. I was just hiding in the attic watching policemen come in and out twice! Had helicopters and I think all the police in liverpool looking for me haha. Least I was so young, I just pretended I was asleep the whole time :lol:

We used to put coins on the railway tracks then hide underneath the platform when the train came.

Set fireworks off at the skatepark at my school in NZ. Very nearly got expeled.

We found this under ground bunker that was used in world war 2 on the sand duned once. It was ace, we used to go down there when I was about 12-13 and get stoned lol We put a chimney in it and everything. VERY nearly set fire to the sand dunes though. I went up to take a piss and there was a flamethrower comeing out the top of the chimney! We always had cool dens somewhere, we had one that you had to climb up the side of an old 20 year old shipwreck and it had a zip line in it.

more to come when I CBA :P

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One hot summers day, we'd spend hours and hours having water fights...basically with anything we could get our hands on that carried water, fairy liquid bottles, buckets, cartons. And they'd always be some kid with a Super Soaker 300 Billion who could soak you from 20ft away.

Anyway, we got hold of some balloons and filled them with water, obviously they hold about 200 times what a normal water balloon can, however they can be difficult to burst because of the thick latex. We spent a couple of hours playing with them but soon got bored and then mischeif took over.

We have a very sharp corner right outside my house, so we stood there with the balloon and decided that myself and a friend would throw it at the next car to come round the corner. We waited and waited; which was typical as its normally a fairly busy road, but when you're up to no good there is nothing about.

Finally we heard a car so we tucked upto a fence so he couldn't see us, the car slowly moved into our view and we threw the balloon - expecting him to panic and have it bounce off the windscreen...the balloon went up and up, rolled over the roof and straight through the sunroof...he slammed all on and the balloon hit the gear stick...BANG...about 2 litres of water all over the dashboard, windows, the driver, seats...

The guy darted out the car and we f**king ran like there was no tomorrow. He gave chase although there was no way on Earth he was going to keep up with some adrenline fueled kids; we simply ran round the block and could watch him stop and slowly walk back to his car; defeated.

He drove around for a while and tried to find us...he actually came close. We hid behind a car and he kept circling - it was only a matter of time before he saw us. We wait for him to pass us...we planned that the second he passed us in the car we would run the opposite way and eventually into the safety of my friends garden. The car passed, we took a deep breath and ran...we heard the brakes screech and he once again was chasing us, and once again failed.

My friends bedroom had a window that overlooked all of the neighbourhood...we would always hide there and so we could see our aftermath. Needless to say we watched the guy freaking out and driving in circles for about 45 minutes until he disappeared.

I miss those summer days :(

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One hot summers day, we'd spend hours and hours having water fights...basically with anything we could get our hands on that carried water, fairy liquid bottles, buckets, cartons. And they'd always be some kid with a Super Soaker 300 Billion who could soak you from 20ft away.

Anyway, we got hold of some balloons and filled them with water, obviously they hold about 200 times what a normal water balloon can, however they can be difficult to burst because of the thick latex. We spent a couple of hours playing with them but soon got bored and then mischeif took over.

We have a very sharp corner right outside my house, so we stood there with the balloon and decided that myself and a friend would throw it at the next car to come round the corner. We waited and waited; which was typical as its normally a fairly busy road, but when you're up to no good there is nothing about.

Finally we heard a car so we tucked upto a fence so he couldn't see us, the car slowly moved into our view and we threw the balloon - expecting him to panic and have it bounce off the windscreen...the balloon went up and up, rolled over the roof and straight through the sunroof...he slammed all on and the balloon hit the gear stick...BANG...about 2 litres of water all over the dashboard, windows, the driver, seats...

The guy darted out the car and we f**king ran like there was no tomorrow. He gave chase although there was no way on Earth he was going to keep up with some adrenline fueled kids; we simply ran round the block and could watch him stop and slowly walk back to his car; defeated.

He drove around for a while and tried to find us...he actually came close. We hid behind a car and he kept circling - it was only a matter of time before he saw us. We wait for him to pass us...we planned that the second he passed us in the car we would run the opposite way and eventually into the safety of my friends garden. The car passed, we took a deep breath and ran...we heard the brakes screech and he once again was chasing us, and once again failed.

My friends bedroom had a window that overlooked all of the neighbourhood...we would always hide there and so we could see our aftermath. Needless to say we watched the guy freaking out and driving in circles for about 45 minutes until he disappeared.

I miss those summer days :(

That is bloody class!

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Hahaha! Brilliant stories Anzo!

In yr5 or something, some other kids had some den down the local fields, in some trees. So we all decided to go and have a look. At that age we were obsessed with fires... and in this den there was that red/white tape everywhere, yellow plastic stuff, cardboard boxes...so we set fire to it! Started off small, then some of the cardboard lit up, then the bush caught fire... It got out of control, so we pegged it!

Ran full speed through the first field, looked back, and you could see the flames. We all ran home, not saying a thing to our parents. Went down the next day and it had been put out. Nothing but a big black, ashy patch.

When BB guns were all the rage, me and my mate had some little Colt things, that were pretty powerful! We were having a full on shoot out behind my house, then some older chav had one and started chasing us/shooting us. When he got behind me, shooting my back, I shot at the floor behind me as I ran. Managed to get the BBs to bounce off the floor and hit him in the face! :lol: So he left us alone after that. :)

One more; when we had a huge snow day when I was in yr10, we all had the day off school, and all went around the village throwing snow about, making snowment, etc. Some people in the park were rolling up huge snowballs, then left them in the field. So we decided to roll them to outside the primary school (busyish road) and build some giant snowmen! Took us ages to get the giant snowballs to the top of the field, out the gate, and onto the road, but we managed it.

Ended up with two 7ft snowmen blocking the road. :D

Cars would come down the hill, get stuck, not be able to get around them, then have to try and get back up the steep hill! :lol:

Ahh, good times. ^_^

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Myself and my next door neighbour used to hang about together all through our childhood. His next-door-but-one neighbour was fine with me, but he didn't like my friend so that was clear grounds for us to make his life hell for a couple of years...

One night when we god bored we decided to booby-trap his car. It was an old Rover, we put nails leaning on the tires (both forward and reverse) and put a potato up his exhust pipe...we set it up about 8pm but never saw him move the car, but nothing was ever mentioned about this...however I fail to see how the nail plan wouldn't work so I guess he'd had to replace all his tires.

Secondly, we could see into his kitchen from my friend bedroom window. So we had a laser pen and constantly wound his dog up with it as it used to chase after it - they never even saw the laser so were really confused by it. I even heard rumours of them taking their dog to the vets about it - assuming the dog had gone metal or something. Anyway, they eventually caught us by rather worrying means; one night we were shining the laser and his wife walked into the kitchen. She saw the laser beam and suddenly dropped to the floor...

Initally we panicked thinking we'd killed her or something, but she eventually stood back up and saw us in the window. She came round and completely freaked out - turned out she thought it was an assasin targeting her up for the kill!

A few years passed and we grew up and they moved away to the end of the street where there are a couple of bungalows - by this time they're probably well into their 70's. One night when me and previous said friend we walking my girlfriend back home, we were messing about kicking cans to each other. I then kicked a stone and it shot right up and hit the old neighbours car! Straight through the rear window...I felt amazingly bad about this.

About 2 months after that he passed away; I do feel guilty about the nasty things we did to him, even accidently in that case!

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Year 5 in junior school, we had a massive open field on the back of school which we went on for dinner time for summer. It had a soft of bush which acted as a fence that went all the way around the edge of the field - back then people used to use it after school for football, cricket or whatever, however now they've had to fence it all off due to the vandalism.

Anyway, one day in school we were playing around as normal. We were near the side of the field as nobody used to go to this side - this meant we had no dinner ladies or teachers to bollock us, and so we could play as rough as we liked. Whilst play fighting this day we noticed a bag in the bushes - not just a small bag, a huge gym bag.

We dragged it out, thinking it was perhaps a bomb we opened it with care. It revealed a stash of money, blank credit cards, driving licenses, needles, cigerettes, whiskey, 1 bag of strange white power and a few blocks of this brown stuff - later we learnt about cocaine and heroin, aswell as the dangers of needles!

We told a teacher about our 'little findings' and the police were called, statements taken and all that fun. I do believe it was in the newspaper and everything :)

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I think your looking for the lie thread pal...

Ah, not quite. I forgot the bit where John Suchet was actually there and reported it along with the ITN crew, I was actually knighted by the Queen for being a good boy and telling the teachers right away.

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I thought of loads of stories earlier! but couldn't be bothered to type them all...

Me and my mate used to open the garage door, but leave it out slightly so we could climb onto the roof, then used to sit ontop of the garage door when it was open a bit, hold onto the handle, and then when the door falls shut, we jump off at the last second! :lol: Spent days doing that too.

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did some stupid shit when i was kid, we broke in to an abadonded office block and all equipped our selfs with some kind of weap and smashed the shit out of EVERYTHING!!! honestly this place got so so so so so so f**ked up it was awsome, till the police came and we had to hide in a cubord, why is it when ur been chased by the police u run so much quicker lol.

erm i got caught stealing when i was a kid from the spa , the guy came up to me and asked me to lift my shirt up and i had loads of sweets jammed in my pants, then i went home and felt so scared my mum was gonna find out lol i shit my self everytime i went near the place. lol

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I remember one summer, me and Sam F. We're next door neigbours. He was having some work done on his drive? (a steep f**king slope) and there happened to be a big pile of sand right at the bottom. Being 11 and having a BMX you can pretty much imagine what was going to happen. Thing is. Sam used to have this awful stutter haha. I flew down the drive, over this pile of sand and just faceplanted into the ground. I was in tears and screaming on the ground. Sam ran to his mum, but where there was so much adrenaline pumping it somehow enhanced his stutter. Took about 5 mins before his bro came over and told her what happend instead. Haha good times!!!!!

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We just used to be little shits in the area i live. Worst one was in about 1994 when there was about 3 foot of snow where I live. We used to make humongous snow balls and stick them in the middle of the road to block the buses in, managed to nail some guy in the head with a snowball through an open bus window and all sorts of fighting shenanigans. Throwing an ice ball at a skytv van was the worst idea I think we ever came up with though, as he got out and chased us round all the alleyways and streets, then went and got his mates. Most of the lads were alot older than us, so when the sky man and friends caught up with one of the older lads, he was beaten up quite badly.

Chases were an every night occurrence though, from getting chased by the police in vans to random people in cars for throwing eggs at them. I miss it

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Had to go to bebo to fish these out.

Snowed a fair bit a couple of years ago, not really childhood but meh, its the only one I can think of at the moment what with all this talk of snow.

Incase you cant work it out, its a massive penis made of snow, beats the shit outta an average snow man. Some bloke even came with his daughter to take a pic of it while she shouted, "Dad look they made a snow monster!"



Edited by Tom_
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Used to all live on a really long road with 3 old peoples homes and was also a major walkway from the town centre to the main housing areas.

One summer we all bought nerf guns (one of us had an electric one that really hurt and wed stand in a line and get shot by it lol) and we used to hide under my car and shoot people walking past. And then one day we Waited on the inside of my front door for the paper boy to come to the door and all ambushed him. and then like 3 hours later him and loads of his mates came down with BB guns and f**ked us up lol.

Three of us sat on a bench reading a porn magazine we'd found in a bush (we were 10 at the time) and a Community support officer came over to see what we were up to lol, he was a bit shocked.

Countless lifts home by the police for starting fires or cutting down trees lol.

And one time me and these two other guys were throwing apples across the canal to hit cars on the main road, one of the cars followed us round and got and and started shouting and one of the guys i was with wet himself hahaha.

We used to have competitions to see who could get the nearest to this old peoples home before getting spotted (they hated us) This Building had one side that only really had one door for the more 'mental' people and the other side had a set of stairs and then 10 or so 'apartment' type things where the less mental people lived. We were all getting sortof half way towards the less mental bits to knock and run before a carer from the mental side would knock on the window, and then one of my friends got all the way up to one of the appartments, knocked on the door, and in a split second this old man had opened it and my friend had to pretend to be a cub scout collecting money for a trip to france lol, and the old guy gave him a fiver! but then when he was walking back one of the carers from the other halfcame out and found out what he'd done and started screwing at us! walked us all home and we had to write a letter of apology to the man haha.

although most of that won't make sense...

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Tee hee good old times.

When I was really young like 4-5 I ran away from home, never actually left though. I was just hiding in the attic watching policemen come in and out twice! Had helicopters and I think all the police in liverpool looking for me haha. Least I was so young, I just pretended I was asleep the whole time :lol:

I think everyone did that.....

Your parents are wierd :S . I always 'ran away from home', ie. I took some clothes and walk like 10 minutes down the road. Then i got bored and came back about 20 minutes later.

My parents just ignored me and knew i'd come back. Your parents actually called the police and started a full blown search??? WTF??? lol

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Me and my mate used to jump off the arm of the sofa and do a superman front dive onto the sofa. Well one day he was taking too long for my liking so i pushed him... probably the most distressing thing ive ever seen a 5 year old with a *shit the bed* face, doing a superman right through there glass coffe table, he went straight through it head first. Lol... and i wonder why hes a bit wierd now!

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one word "parky" every friday and saturday night we'd set i nice fire in the middle of the field and set trap all the way along the route for it, we anticipated everything, from him driving straight there, walking, from every direction, funny one was when we dug a nice 10 ft long trench quite close to the fire and the van went straight in. we often got locked in a the police got called

going to the creek and launching stones at the trains going over the bridge and swearing at everyone when the train had to stop for the traffic lights

going all the places we shouldnt and getting chased by security

terrorising pcso when they tried taking our drink off us on a friday night

knock door run, ginger, garden hop. garden gnomes was the best though

my family all get together once a year for a huge bbq at some coutry park with a motorway running through the middle, me and my cousin one year decided it'd be fun to throw food at all the speeding cars until someone stopped and actually screamed at us, like full on spitting in our face stylee and we shat ourselves and to this day we dont know why we didnt run

back in year 9 my maths and french class had exactly the same people in so on a thursday after lunch in maths we'd plan how we'd make miss cry in french this week, techniques ranged from walking in at facing the back of the class, the old coughing at 3 oclock, just sitting there in perfect silence the whole lesson, dont move, dont look at anyone else, books layed out uniformly infront but never open

shooting my bb gun out my mums loft window at people

we dont get snow down here, we get slosh which means we dont get snowballs, we get ice rocks and i went to launch one at my step bro but he ducked/i missed and it hit the corner of the old womans window across the road, but mainly the frame, which is old and wooden, now my step bro saw this and though the window could take a full on block of ice at it and the window kinda didnt stand up to it. we both ran in and sat round the table where everyone else was eating until there was a knock at the door when adam jumped out of his skin and hid under the table, worst of all but the neighbours had the cheek to accuse me

got soooo many more school stories, pushing people over with your friend knelt behind them, but that stopped when someones arm got broke, wooops

many times in isolation for varying reasons of abuse, fighting, vandalism, fires in science and soldering the 2 live holes of a double plug into eachother and turning the power on

ahhh to be young again. no wait this all happened in the past 3 years

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Ah yes, the security park wardens haha.

We used to get hour long chases from them in their van with us on bikes all around this massive park (stanley park). Many a time did someone go to fast on the bends near the lake and ride straight in, all part of the fun though. We were more arsed about being caught by them than the police.

Park next to my street, bowling club on it with a massive hut where the attendant used to sit. We had just discovered smoke bombs so though it would be funny to light one and throw it in while the man was making a brew in the back. Never seen so many fire engines before...

British bulldogs on the bowling greens in the summer were the best thing though. Kids from all over the area would gather for a game of about 30 man bulldog. We stopped though when someone nearly got their neck broken from a high tackle.

Manhunt in the trees and bushes was another mental game. hiding in massive trees or crawling round in the woods trying not to be "on"

Running from a townie in a nova gte after egging his car, then a friend who was running along side took the inside of a blind corner and ran into the side of a police car LOL

I proper miss childhood. The days when you were more likely to get a bloody nose than stabbed.

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