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Are You Hibernating?


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No normally but yes atm because I'm being slowly killed by this illness :angry:

Today is the only day this week i got out the house for a decent length of time and that was for a uni test <_<

Normally though its starting riding that is the hardest, once your out there and riding i normally end up in just a Tee-shirt.

Or long sleeve T and shorts (with shinnys).

Edited by shamus
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Compared with the summer i don't ride much now. After school in the summer was great, nice and light and warm till about 10pm. Winter is shite.

I still ride quite a lot on the old beema, just have to put 2 lots of everything on and your set.....:P

After riding for about 20 minutes you start getting hot anyways.

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Surf more in the winter than i do in summer usually, and i have to get naked to do that so riding is fine.

You surf naked? :blink:


I've been tempted to drive back from the Quarry where I freedive in my wetsuit, it's an 1:30 hour drive though.

I've had about a 5 weeks off riding (injury and illness) and just getting back into it again seems fine but everything's so slippy and covered in ice.

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As the cold weather sets in, how many of you slugs have given up for the time being?

Im still going in Swansea, apparently its colder back home though! So we'll see. Front to back on icy rails y'all?

Is this a stuble hint that I'm not riding enough?

Not hibernating, just decorating.

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