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This Is Why You Don't Wear Tight Pants Riding...


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OK but Rodie's look stupid 2. and there is a point them wearing that stuff it apparently makes them more aerodynamic (LOL)

Whats your excuse? dose it give you more spring in you side hop?

They dont wear it for more speed... they wear it because sitting on your arse with baggy shorts racing/training for hour(s) will bunch up and start to hurt after awile, with lycra its like the materal is your skin, same with skinny jeans. Try a pair to ride in, I used to think they were weird until I just tried it out for a ride. They arn't squeezing your legs..? they stretch,

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They dont wear it for more speed... they wear it because sitting on your arse with baggy shorts racing/training for hour(s) will bunch up and start to hurt after awile, with lycra its like the materal is your skin, same with skinny jeans. Try a pair to ride in, I used to think they were weird until I just tried it out for a ride. They arn't squeezing your legs..? they stretch,

They do wear lycra to be more aerodynamic....

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I love how everyones making massive reasons for the skinny jeans. Howcome everyones overlooked the airflow problem? Baggy trousers and shorts offer far more ventilation compared to skinny girl jeans and lycra. Going out riding is not an effortless excercise for anyone and in doing so, you sweat. Now lycra users get over this by not wearing underwear and because the properties of the lycra material itself allow the user to just whick the sweat away. With bagy jeans this is much less of an issue, there's greater airlfow, the material isn't close to the skin so takes longer and more frequent contact in order to absorb moisture. Skinny jeans just lead to huge sweat marks (seen it on many rides) and damp clothes, with skinnies being predominantly a fashion statement it kind of defeats the point in trying to look good if it leaves you with sweat marks :S. Is not wearing underwear the next step for skinny jean riders?

Theres also the issue of bacteria. If your riding and sweating in your skinny jeans they get warm and damp, which is a holiday resort for bacteria, how many of you wash your jeans before and after every ride? Bacteria leads to disease and infection which is not nice.

What about underwear? Everyone knows real men wear boxer shorts, so what if you wear skinnies? From my own experience boxer shorts move around and wriggle when wearing skinnes for riding, giving me a nice fat wedgie, which is definately not cool. So do you guys overcome it by wearing pants?

Lastly is the smell. For the aforementioned reasons, they all contribute to the odours that your balls now have. Not nice when your meeting up with lady friends after riding, and if you don't wash your jeans, even days after riding :sick:

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If it were warm enough, anyone with sense would wear shorts....

I find skinnies to be warmer (but not hot enough to sweat much in), and still comfy to ride in. So in the winter, they're better for me.

I also wear boxers.. I don't get a problem with getting a wedgie :S

Edit: Don't you ever shower and change clothes before meeting lady friends?

Edited by Bob Fossil
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They do wear lycra to be more aerodynamic....

No they don't, not club level riders anyway. Or at least we didn't when I used to do XC and road riding.

Lycra really is fantastically comfy, it doesn't bunch up hour arse, and it lets the air flow through a lot better, so you don't get hot and sweaty as easily.

That said, I did stop wearing it when I was about 14 because I felt that I looked like a retard and I didn't fancy my chances if I fell off.

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If it were warm enough, anyone with sense would wear shorts....

I find skinnies to be warmer (but not hot enough to sweat much in), and still comfy to ride in. So in the winter, they're better for me.

I also wear boxers.. I don't get a problem with getting a wedgie :S

Edit: Don't you ever shower and change clothes before meeting lady friends?

You don't sweat in winter! :o

I don't have any friends so its a non-issue for me.

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Its true, my day happens around t-f.

I went to sleep at my parents house at 4.00am because i was on the forum. I got home to loughborough at 9.00am and walk through the door with mcdonalds breakfast to eat while browsing t-f (why waste valuable t-f time making cereal?) and i'll be on t-f while browsing other internet deals for the next 2 hours before work... at which time i'll be trying to plug my laptop in and get on t-f at work either with the laptop or my phone. Then i get to come home and go on t-f properly.

T-f even has its own screen on my pc :lol:

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If you dont like them so much why do you bother to make false statments when you have never even worn a pair.

Not trying to start a fight, but dont make fun of them when you have never tried them.

False statements?

Oh, of course, the guy I saw didn't really exist. My mistake...

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If you buy shit, cheap jeans, I guess then they might be restrictive. I don't wear super skinny jeans, but I wear what are, according to the label, 'skinny' fit jeans, and they do feel a shitload comfier to ride in. They're flexible and don't feel like you've got a shit-tonne of sacking flapping around your legs every time you move.

I wear girls jeans mainly for riding bmx, and I like them simply because they cost £8 from primark in any colour, feel comfortable for riding, no chain/pedal/brake mount catching ever again and I'm pretty skinny myself anyway. I'm used to getting called Pigeon legs all the time ha, I'm not that bothered about what people think, I'm not an indie scene kid with ridiculous pointy elf shoes and a cardigan ha. I wear shitty adidas shin pads and the jeans hold them well etc, only gripe is the lack of pocket size. They are a bit hot in summer too, but I'm not really a 'sweater' anyway luckily!

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How the bloody hell is that even physically possibly?? I just don't get it......

I'm sure it must be something to do with his ball bag hitting the seat, or going inbetween the frame and tyre. Maybe the tight jeans just forced his nuts out the bottom of the sack because there was no where else for them to go.

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But about skinny jeans, okay they might be comfy and yes I have tried a pair on, not girls ones. But they are just annoying, skin tight doesn't help your riding. I rode once on my normal bike, it did not feel nice and I can't stretch my legs out!

Surely you must sweat when you are riding, bmx or trials, the feel of sweaty jeans+boxers (if you have room to wear any...) are just disgusting.

If skinnys are comfy, you might as well wear leggings. Skin tight, thin so not as bad when you sweat and chopped just before your ankles. Really, if you have no problem wearing girls jeans what's wrong with wearing leggings?

Anyway, nasty picture. My eyes imploded.

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Surely if you want that look there are places that do skinny fit mens jeans? Odd people out there ;).

At extortionate prices, its makes for good trade, womens jeans are cheap but I'm sure alot of men will easily say; "Gah I don't want to look like a ponce by buying ladies jeans", so go for ones they know are men specific, and theres not a lot of places that sell good quality "mens" skinny jeans for cheap.

I still don't see how it is the skinny jeans that caused this, I'd imagine any pair of jeans could do this.

Afterall, your wearing boxers on underneath, how do we know they weren't incorrectly fitting and was the cause to this?

I guess every guy in this topic got that same tingle from their balls after seeing this photo?

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I still don't see how it is the skinny jeans that caused this, I'd imagine any pair of jeans could do this.

Afterall, your wearing boxers on underneath, how do we know they weren't incorrectly fitting and was the cause to this?

We've covered the reasons during the thread. Its obvious how it happened. Its becuase of the girl trousers!

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