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Learning New Things.

Mikey Tomo

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I'm kinda new too, maybe been riding 6 or 7 months now on a mod. Don't have anyone to ride with bein' a yank stuck in the middle of nowhere so development for me is a bit slower than some who have to show up their mates and whatnot.

I've been practicing trackstands like JT! said and back hops. Also endos, hopping/rocking in place, both on flat and getting the front wheel on higher things and staying in place. Most importantly for me lately has been adding in pedal kicks to get the front wheel onto higher things like picnic tables and stuff like that.

Anyway, might be some good places to start. Go find some mates to roll with though. That will probably get you started faster than me!

Also check out thrashzen if you haven't already.

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As you probably know I'm new to trials and just getting to know the basics. What would be the best order to learn the basics?

Watch videos see how they move, then just go out and play , Just have fun dont worry abought i must sidehop this high or gap this far just ride to have fun u will learn more by messing around and having a laugh with other riders rather than stressing on i must do this or get that . Set yourself a realistic target for the next couple of months, Then set another target

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Yer Mekis right mate

Balance FIRST i skipped that and got no where lol,

But i,d say balance which leads to truckstand then move to back hop and the pedal kick and so on , i,ve learned when you learn some thing new it opens then next door

Also watch other riders and what they do with there body weight i do this a lot and learn from it ,

Just try and you,ll find it can be done


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first things first as others have said the track stand is the first basic also i find next port of call is finding the balance point on the rear lean with the bars against a wall and lean right back over the rear wheel and the front will gradualy rise u may flip it first time but thats how u find the point,

eventualy ul be able to rise the front right up to your groin as your standing upright on the pedals and back down nice and smooth this will help with big gap lunges and overall balance.

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