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Zoo! Python Or Adamant A3


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Get a zoo there so much better.

Hope i've solved your problem,


Adamant is a sub-make of zoo, so there the same in quality (very well made), and it all depends on your size, and what one you like the look of more. And with the Adamants, you get the option of short or long, most people say the adamants ride better, but ive only ever ridden a Zoo and it was too long for me, and im 5ft 4" so you might be the right height for a long. You should have a go on other peoples bikes to see which one feels better for you.

Hope i helped :)


Edit: Aarron's never ridden an Adamant, so he doesnt know what they feel like. :D

Edited by echolite94
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Adamant, Zoo, Echo, Gu and Czar are all made by the same bloke, Deng. But the Geo's are totally different which means there going to ride different. Other people prefer different geo's so whilst there saying get this frame, its because they like it, But its entirely up to you, if it was me i wouldn't go rushing into buying a frame because someone sais that they are good or what not, If i were you id get on a few rides and most people are generally alright and will let you have a blast on there bikes. Do that and ride a few then your ready to make a decission.

Hope this has helped.

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Like Connor said there all made by the same person so how can you say that ZOO! is better ? Adamant have got some good frames and i havn't seen or heard of an a3 cracked. It all depends on what you like and what you would feal better with. It has got something to do with your hight but its not as bad as people make out it to be, i'm only 5.5" and i love the fell of the Python, someone my size might say different. Like i said all depends on what you like.

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