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Does Anyone Remember This Rider...

Decade Ago

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...I think he rode for Kona, or at least rode a Kona. Was fairly famous for mega spins on his demos and other street style tricks, pretty BMX style to him. I remember seeing him at Bike 97 or maybe 98. Im also pretty sure I remember MBUK featuring him or giving him a 'How to' style feature...

Im just trying to remember his name, its driving me crazy!...

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I remember the feature yea, but is that it?! He had a child and quit riding totally?

Well it's the last I heard of him in any kind of mountainbike media - official or otherwise. He was only 20/21 when they did the feature, so who knows. Maybe fatherhood and the real world got in the way and he quit, or maybe he gets out once or twice a week like a lot of people on here with jobs/uni/college etc.

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If memory serves. Fletcher was last seen studying Theology in London... Insanely talented guy, but very much a tricks rider rather than trials.

Not convinced that Jez was in Dirt... Sure you're not thinking of Scott Dommet on something purple?

Jez had a silver proflex and a little section doing some jumps. I always like the bit in 'Getta Grip' with Jez doing squeakers and stuff along the road.

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Jez had a silver proflex and a little section doing some jumps. I always like the bit in 'Getta Grip' with Jez doing squeakers and stuff along the road.

Haha! Ive got that on VHS too! Ill try and put some of 'Dirt' on YouTube or something. It was definatly Jez Avery in 'Dirt', riding with as much protective gear as possible on. :lol:

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He was also about the only person doing jumps that still qualify as 'big' on the Dirt video... Was it just me or did Getta Grip suck compared to Dirt and Chainspotting though (Jez Avery's bits were about the only good parts of that video IIRC)...

Chainspotting is still the top video for me, ok the riding wasn't as huge as Trials is now but it was a very inspiring video in its day! I love how Ashton just takes over the America sections. Some great riding and the 'feeling' of the film is just spot on.

Dirt is just an all time classic, I watched a few weekends ago at my folks house and it still made me smile! JMC is just an awesome rider.

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Dirt is still the epitome of MTBing - it's all about having a laugh riding bikes with your friends - the best feel good MTB film ever...

The extras on the Manifesto DVD are brilliant too - pretty much every appearance Ryan Leech has made on film since he started riding bikes :)...

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Haha! Ive got that on VHS too! Ill try and put some of 'Dirt' on YouTube or something. It was definatly Jez Avery in 'Dirt', riding with as much protective gear as possible on. :lol:

It was Jez Avery doing those big dirt jumps on the Proflex in 'DIRT' I remember touring the UK in 2006 with him, and we spoke about 'DIRT' and other classic mountain bike videos and rider's such as the great 'JMC'.

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What happened Dane Hemming? He was a regular back when MBUK was worth reading... He showed up in Dirt on a skinny ass steel framed XC bike... If my memory serves, he's the one that does the nasty over the bars SPD crash into a ditch...

Yea, he drags his balls across the top tube then gets thrown over the handlebars! Pretty savage but it made me giggle. :lol:

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Dave Hemming was a rep for a while with ATB Sales (Doing Marin and Whyte), but was last seen riding with a friend of mine in the US! God knows what he's doing these days...

Paul Hudson was a top trick rider, but a lot of old school BMX flatlandy type tricks. I always wondered how many he could actually hold.

Was watching Chainspotting last night on DVD, and it's funny now just how small some of the riding is, especially in these days of the Red Bull Rampage and such. The quality and style of productrion though is still right up there. It'd be worth some of the current video makers to have a watch and try and learn...

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Dave Hemming was in Guernsey with Clive Gosling (Cannondale’s marketing manager at the time) in 2000ish with Martyn Ashton. I remember Clive's was doing a running commentary of Martyns demo whilst Dave was just kinda tooling around on kids bikes.

It was a cool day. My friend Mat owned the only Cannondale Ashton ‘replica’ on the island and he won the competition and got another one. Everyone thought it was rigged hehe.

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