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Troublw With My Headset


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Hi all,

i recently bought a new headset (2nd hand) and realised it had a problem. I dont know what its called i think its something like the star bolt , probally not the correct name but anyways that has been bent, smashed and the stem cap wont tighten properly could anybody recommend where to find one of these bolts.?

thanks chris.

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Your old headset maybe? I assume you were replacing your old one?

i have two bikes (bmx and trial) and managed to lose one bolt (dont ask lol)

so i just tighten the headset on my bmx up using the bolt, clamp the stem uber tight (phat bmx parts so they so can take the hammering), then i use that bolt in the trials bike :P (saves weight on the bmx hahaha)

I would always recommend that you have the bolt in a trials bike though as you yank up on the bars so often there is a lot of stress here

(just to stop everyone thinking, hmmm weight weenie)

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