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Milton Keynes Fellow Riders


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Hello all,

I just wanted to see if there are any regular riders in Milton Keynes that I could get together with? Im a total beginner and would be good to get to know a few riders from MK who can show me the ropes of trials.

Anyone from or around MK then please drop me a line it would be good to hear from you


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I'm from Buckingham, near Milton Keynes. Used to ride there quite a lot! Usually there's around 5 of us on a good day there...

Don't ride much anymore, seeing as the weather's bad, and I have my car to sort out...

Bessell used to ride MK a lot too, although he probably hates it there now! :P

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I ride Mk a fair bit with a couple of others from Bedford.

do you? wtf wheres my texts? :(

lol chris legend would come down one of the nights ad if you fancy showing me round?

yeah man just give me a text... wana come friday to bornend demo and kip at mine then matlock sat? maybe drive up north from there for sunday uci quarry?

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do you? wtf wheres my texts? :(

yeah man just give me a text... wana come friday to bornend demo and kip at mine then matlock sat? maybe drive up north from there for sunday uci quarry?

whats going on friday?? think i might be free back there and need to do something afternoonish.


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