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Lost All Motivation


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but at the end of the day if you have nobody to ride with then trials is extremely boring i think.

That just aint true. I ride on my own pretty much 95% of the time these days, and have done for most of my days on a bike. Its still fun and probably one of the most relaxing and enjoyable parts of my life. Dont worry about getting better or anything - just ride.

i been getting like this lately think its because the scene here is dead as fook and riding feels like its something i have to do not something i enjoy to do! shit!

These are sad times :(

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hav a break from it

then when you come back youl have pent up ridin urges, thats what i do, just wonna sling mesen off the nearest set of bricks :)

and i watch alot of bmx street vids and alot of american riders, like all the dvd trial riders like leachyballs, lonefsky (sp) and all them, makes me want to ride anyways

i find watching ryan leach helps me most, he seems to be a big influence on me, speshly the way he babbles for hours about trials, really hits home what an awesome hobby we have :) (emo rant over, LOL)

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The most motivated I have been lately is when a friend and I found two curbs that slowly grew further apart and had a little gap contest. We spent about an hour with nothing more to do than find new ways to get across these curbs and didn't get bored even then. Try something like that, something small but a new way to ride it.

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I can't be bothered to ride atm cos its winter. Always cold and wet, then its dark by 5 ect. Not helped by the fact there are a few riders left who ride on a regular basis now.

When the warmer weather and longer days come back its usually picks up again which is good though.

I miss the summer when we used to have big rides then go to the rocks and jump in the sea to cool down :(.

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Try going out with music just on your own for about an hour or 2. I find if i ride for to long on my own I start to get annoyed at how I'm riding maybe do it when your a little stressed so you come back feeling good? Try and meet up with people a bit further away on the weekends?

watch videos!!!!!

something that makes u remember why riding is so much fun!

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The whole 'no-one can be arsed' idea is powerful stuff. You've just got to get out, once your out it feels good! (what else would you be doing? :P )

Just be unrelenting and drag people out, finding somewhere that is a lil sheltered and ride your nuts off

I was riding bonehill rocks on dartmoor today with a mate. There was still ice and frost on the ground but we still had an awesome session the only thing that stopped us was the sun setting!

We both got hyped, already planned to go out tomorrow somewhere!

Also we ride a lot with a bmxer who is so creative its inspiring, could spend all day at a kerb and still make your jaw drop. That kind of enthusiasm is infectious!

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