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Lost All Motivation


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Im in the same situation as you. Trials used to more fun and exciting before a load of local mates quit. Now days in my area, there are only two riders which are in my eyes motivated to ride, but we rarly ride. Best thing to do, is get to the group rides on the weekend, make some new friends and go from there.

What happened to the good days!

Edited by N Roach
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Change your riding style. I found myself going out on a ride and trying to tap a wall for hours on end and not being able to do it. Now when I ride I look for mini sections to do then keep trying to do them until I clean them. Its surprising what great riding you can miss at your local spots because you are looking for a certain wall over bar height.

I found the TGS kind of riding to be boring and repetitive but the main reason it pissed me off was because I couldn't tap/side hop 48"+ or gap 9ft flat to flat or 15ft down.

I think a lot of new riders are missing out on a big part of trials the more technical aspect. I've seen a rider want to do a huge gap from a wall down but couldn't do it because he couldn't turn on the back wheel in the space of that wall. Now I've seen this person do huge gaps but that tiny thing of turning on the wall stopped him doing it. (If the person I'm talking about realises its him I'd just like to point out I'm not trying to make fun of him just using him as an example).

Any way the point I'm trying to make is sometimes going back to basics and trying to do the more simple things better rather than going for the huge power moves can not only improve your riding but make it more fun.

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Dont take it too seriously...just go find a couple of sections you can try different things on without any hassle and enjoy it.

No need to get all stressed out over "how big is this gap" "how high was that sidehop"....just go have fun.

I hardly get the chance to go out once a week so can't wait to get out....so maybe the answer is find more hobbies / other things to do.

Edited by Dan81
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  scousertrials said:
Music sounds good???

Some of it does ;)

Wait until a Friday or Saturday night, make sure your iPod MP3 player of choice is charged up and has some good songs on it, then just go out riding really late at night. You'll occasionally find some drunk twattish people around, but if you avoid places they're likely to go you can generally just have a fun, chilled night riding spots you might not necessarily be able to, just being completely alone doing your own thing. Works wonders for me (Y)

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  Anal_Teflon said:
Change your riding style.

Alan speaks the truth!

I hated tgs-y riding, just got bored of trying to do x" taps and y" sidehops, partly because i was crap and partly because it just bored me.

I had a go on a 24", and just saw the light - bought my self a street rig and have enjoyed it ever since (even if it did weigh 3 tonnes)

Just ride for fun, as and when you feel like it. Watch some good videos on t'internets, and don't force yourself to ride. There'll be days when i really wanna go and ride (usually in the summer) and days when i can think of a hundred other things to be doing. Just take it as it comes.


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  tmks88 said:
set up some goals

like 50" sidehop in 6months or top 3 in some comp

progress will be faster when you work hard and progress=fun=motivation

I find that quite stressful to do, I also found that measuring walls (although good to know) is also a factor of my stress when riding street.

I always say to myself; "Man why can't I backwheel that anymore, I used to be able so much bigger, my best is X height!".

Currently I've lost motivation to ride due to this, and my bike being a bit bodged (brake has no hold and rubs a lot).

I remember last year when I was riding with a couple of riders from a town local to me, we went to ride some rocks at the seaside one day, and whilst I was trying to backwheel, sidehop, etc onto one rock or gap between a couple, they said to do a line, and as a group we made lines and tried completeing them.

I haven't riden with those guys in a while, but I always think back to that moment and do that whenever possible.

When we was trying to complete the line in that example, its not like a competition as we are all friends, and between us we helped each other out to ensure we could all complete that line. And of course, having a laugh along the way.

Lines... the fun way to ride.

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Set yourself new challenges and goals maybe,

Could be subtle like ride Mod instead of stock, street instead of natural or vica versa

Change of scenery, where your riding try new locations.

Or who you ride with, if you ride with more people it could become more competitive, pushing you to different levels, urging you to do better in the sport

Start yourself a little project like a new build.

Or set new goals such as before the end of December i will be able to side-hop a 6ft wall etc.

It's been mentioned but I watch Videos and listen to loud music to hype me up.

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Take your bike out to a local XC trail, ideally with a fair amount of steep decent throughout the course where your freewheeling at speed. Its quite an interesting experience riding your bike at a speed you can never achieve on a flat road, and sucking up the bumps through your arms without suspension is quite tasking. Or look for new riding spots/locations and think about what you hope to do on them.

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what everyone is saying does help a little bit. but at the end of the day if you have nobody to ride with then trials is extremely boring i think. without other people to get ideas from, have a good bit of banter and challenge each other a ride can become very dull. so just try and get all your mates excited about it again.

The problem at the moment is the weather, nobody can be arsed to go out in the cold and rain, but just wait til summer rolls round again, the good ol days will be back.

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