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Letting Agent

boon racoon

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Hey all

Right basically I've ended up with the worst letting agent possible this year (UK Pads, Headingly, Leeds so you know) and want some advice.

Here's what happened...

They failed to set up my standing order mandate correctly for my rent, despite having paid £25 extra admin fee (on top of the £50 already!) just because I wanted to pay my rent montly. When my first months rent didn't come out (because they didn't set up a standing order for that month) they accused me of cancelling it and not paying.

When I did go in to pay the guy dealing with it still didn't understand what had happened and refused to admit it was their mistake. I paid for the missing months rent on my card (and had to pay £1 just to use my card!) but they charged me a QUARTERS rent instead of a month (because the guy is so useless and didnt understand) without showing me the amount first, clearing my account and taking me over my overdraft limit. They then couldn't refund me until 2 days later, leaving me with no money what so ever.

On top of all that, they are now REFUSING to refund my £25 bank charge incurred because they overcharged me and took me over my overdraft limit, still claiming it is not their responsibility.

What can I do realistically?

I went in and had a big old bitch and a moan but they're just saying that it's not their problem. Even though I have proof of the charges from my bank linked to the date the payment came out (with recipt from the letting agent), a statement from my bank showing the amount that came out and it going over my overdraft limit, AND another recipt from them saying they took out £600 too much and then refunded it straight away.

Obviously I'm writing a formal letter of complaint but I don't think it'll get anywhere especially cos they're a pretty small company. What else can I do?

I know I sound like a cheap b*****d as it's only £25, but it's the principle. They're just massively shite in general and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Why do all students get treated like shit once they have your deposit?! (I'm not even a student anymore..but most of my housemates are)



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Have they rested your deposit with a government approved third party and provided you with evidence of this? As of April last year this has been a legal requirement to stop people being f**ked over for their deposits. Agents and landlord face substantial fines if they don't do this. Most crap letting agents still don't do it. Where am I going with this??..

You could use this as leverage over them and issue a county court claim against them and include your £25 among other costs you've occured. The sum soon adds up and they'll be throwing your money back at you.

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They won't tell us who the landlord is..we've tried because shit needed doing and they were doing nothing about it. They say everything has to go through them.

Could try the deposit thing I guess, but not sure how it's directly gonna get my 25 quid back? They'll probably just lie or fob me off.

Anyone know of a specific court or financial disagreement thing that I can go to?

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Anyone know of a specific court or financial disagreement thing that I can go to?

When you rent the house the landlord has to supply you with a document disclosing where your deposit is being held within 14 days. If this letter is not supplied by that date or will not readily be supplied you can sue your landlord/letting agent for up to 3X the cost of the deposit and additional losses. This is all fact, I have just won a court case for my sister (My sister is autistic and I was her representative) and know everything about the mandatory deposit schemes as brought in on the 7th of April 2007.

In direct answer to your question, if you don't have the document just make a County Court Claim about it. You could get 3X your deposit back, plus your original deposit + costs and interest.

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When you rent the house the landlord has to supply you with a document disclosing where your deposit is being held within 14 days. If this letter is not supplied by that date or will not readily be supplied you can sue your landlord/letting agent for up to 3X the cost of the deposit and additional losses. This is all fact, I have just won a court case for my sister (My sister is autistic and I was her representative) and know everything about the mandatory deposit schemes as brought in on the 7th of April 2007.

In direct answer to your question, if you don't have the document just make a County Court Claim about it. You could get 3X your deposit back, plus your original deposit + costs and interest.


Is this if they refuse to refund my deposit? Because that's not what they've done (though they probably will come June!)

But I could just ask anyway?

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Is this if they refuse to refund my deposit? Because that's not what they've done (though they probably will come June!)

But I could just ask anyway?


If you don't have that paperwork, look for a new flat/house NOW and claim there f**king ass off first thing tomorrow morning.

It's such a piece of piss, the fact that you don't have that paperwork means they've broken the law by not securing your deposit, or not supplying the paperwork and you are entitled (and encouraged) to sue for as I say, the original price of the deposit, and up to the deposit X3 + Interest and Additional costs.

It's easy money ? I managed to do it with just a weeks worth of prep.

*Edited sue to claim in the first line

**As for the "they probably will in June" if you've done anything to warrant them not giving your deposit back then defiantly pursue this now. Because it could take a few months to get a court date.

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If you don't have that paperwork, look for a new flat/house NOW and claim there f**king ass off first thing tomorrow morning.

It's such a piece of piss, the fact that you don't have that paperwork means they've broken the law by not securing your deposit, or not supplying the paperwork and you are entitled (and encouraged) to sue for as I say, the original price of the deposit, and up to the deposit X3 + Interest and Additional costs.

It's easy money ? I managed to do it with just a weeks worth of prep.

*Edited sue to claim in the first line

**As for the "they probably will in June" if you've done anything to warrant them not giving your deposit back then defiantly pursue this now. Because it could take a few months to get a court date.

Sorry lad, I'm with you now.

That certainly is interesting, I (we) didn't get any paperwork of that sort as far as I'm aware.

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Sorry lad, I'm with you now.

That certainly is interesting, I (we) didn't get any paperwork of that sort as far as I'm aware.

Phone the letting agent up in the morning and ask why you don't have the paperwork. If they don't know anything about it and try and fob you off then I'd tell them you will be making a County Court Claim against them if they do not refund you your £25 that they owe you and if the deposit is not secured within 14 days then make a Claim. Thats MORE than fair, and will stand you in good stead when you do claim. Make sure all documents sent or phone calls are recorded or monitored, if I hadn't photocopied and sent my sisters request for the documents recorded delivery she wouldn't be 4K richer at the moment.

They do not have a leg to stand on, they HAVE to send you the documentation about the deposit and where it's being held. There are categorically no exception to these rules, and as long as you do the procedures right it'll be a hands down case in your favor.

Good luck big boi !

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cancel the direct debit and start paying in cash to the agents, but on your next payment pay £25 less than whatever you owe and stay £25 in arrears until they threaten to give you a section 8, it would go to court and the judge would laugh at them. Obviously it wouldn't get that far because getting a section 8 sorted costs a few grand. Get on to your council about the failure on doing the work an something will definitely get sorted.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Wrote them a letter explaining what had happened again and asking in writing for the £25 back. Also wrote the stuff about the tenancy scheme and being legally allowed to know the landlords details.

Got a letter back providing me with all the information I requested. Think they were rather annoyed that I wrote about possible court action and said we're not allowed to stay in the house next year now (bothered!) And yes, they're still refusing to refund my £25. They're saying I should have checked the amount and it's not their responsibility.

Not sure what I can do really.

Edit: On a side note, woke up this morning to find water PISSING from upstairs down through all of all light fittings in the 2 bathrooms downstairs, quickly flooding the bottom floor until we turned the water off. In a brand new house! Cowboys.

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they sound hardcore - when I last complained about a letting agencies service we got out agency fee back and a huuuge apology.

May sound like a silly - but you could ask your bank about it ? they usually are pretty helpful with that sort of stuff ... May give you some info on where you stand.

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If you have a water Issue go to your Local Environmental Health Agency (local town hall/council will tell you where it is) and get an Environmental Health Officer to come around. (its free)

They are there to prevent people being made to live in Housing that is unsafe for Human Habitation. This is also a Legal Clause in your tenacny Agreement.

They will come to the House and do some tests, then file a report to your letting agency telling them what they have to do.

I feel for you, im in the same Boat. 7 Months ago we started to get a mound Problem in our flat. All the ventilation systems stopped working, and damp was setting in. We told the Letting Agency and they came round and saw it. Just small amounts, not alot to Fix. ( i had also told them on day 1 that the vents didnt work, had an electrician confirm it)

They decided to do Nothing, and it got to the Point where mound attacked everything. I lost a few coats, shoes and other clothes, my Air Rifle. My Mrs Lost her Guitar, Amp, Clothes and shoes, all because they got attacked by Mould and ruined. The Hall way wall got full of damp and is now falling down. So I got an environmental Health Officer to come over and he done a report, tested walls and vents.

This report said that the Bathroom needed to be pulled out, the hallway wall repaired and vents fixed among other things. Unfortunatly our letting agency said they arent bothered and wont do any repairs. And then tried to Put Our rent up.

So we are leaving the Flat (on thurs) and going private Let. That way we can talk to the property owner and not some idiots.

Letting agents are only interested when they are reciving money.

Good luck with your claim, and if possible see help from a lawyer, they will have alot more pull when talking to letting agents, and can throw good threats, which letting agents know they can keep to.

*PS, if anyone knows any way I can get some compensation from My letting agents, Please PM Me*

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Agents f**k you over big time.

I'm letting a house with some mates with 'Leaders' at the moment, and apparently one of the leading letting agencies around, they charged me £600 just to take the house of the market and guarantee it mine, then lots of f**king about with rent payments to follow.

CHECK THE CONTRACT and Ts&Cs before you sign anything! Luckily my stepmum is a property lawer, she actually went through the contract and found loads of shiz that just wasnt right and legal (and this is from the leading agents!), so we changed some stuff before I signed.

Just watch out.

As for your case, speak to whoever is in charge, tell them what you told us and shout at everyone till you get what you want. In most cases it is the worst way of getting things done, but letting agents aren't really worth the job they hold.

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