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Beyond Ridiculous Driving Fine.

Ollie Histon

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Drinking from the can I understand (obviously moving the can to your mouth and tilting your head means your not looking at what is ahead).

But actually holding the can then no, all this talk of must always hold and be in control of the vehicle, what about times when you need to indicate in bad conditions (such as harsh light, so an arm signal is needed to reinforce the light indicator).

I only thing I can think of is that obviously if something bad happened whilst indicating with your arm, is that you can always pull your arm in a short amount of time to regain control of the car, (of course this can't be done with a can of drink as you either drop it and spill it, or continue to hold it, but not control the car effictively whilst holding it).

How full was the can, because if it was empty or near empty I would definately try to appeal against the decision.

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tip, don't get caught.

in the job i did before uni i managed to rack up 63-65000 miles in ten months, i drove like the next person, most of the time i had to eat + drink while driving so i had enough time to get my work done in the day. with that sort of repeat offense as it may be called it cant surely be down to luck.

if i get caught one day i wont be happy but the law is the law.

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My friend received an on the spot 60 pound fine plus 3 points on his license for drink driving. i know what you're thinking, thats fair enough, except it was a can of coke? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

only reason he got fined, is because it was a asshole copper thats power mad, I'm sure everyone here has done 50 times worse got caught and let off,

am i right? hey maby new thread idea??

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only reason he got fined, is because it was a asshole copper thats power mad.

If the car was stationary, then the copper shouldn't have done anything. If the car was moving, and the driver then had to take his eyes off the road to drink it, then fair enough. Still, I would have thought a slap on the wrist would have been more appropriate.

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Giving new drivers points for having a sip of coke IS out of order no matter how you look at it.

Your right most police of just let you off, and say if I catch you again, blah, blah.

If you get 6 point's on your licence in the first 2 years you get banned. So if has had a light out, a dodgey tyre, or goes 5mph over the speed limit past a camera. It's bye, bye car.

Policemen like that are the reason no-one likes them.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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I thought that Jarrod turned a corner and was greeted not by an open road but by a car in his side of the road facing the wrong way?

In which case, it shouldn't be his fault.

I refer you to what Bongo already said - If you run into the back of someone, it's ALWAYS your fault (unless they've just pulled out as Bongo said). Also you HAVE to be able to stop in the distance that you can see.

In Jarrod's case, what if instead of a car stopped in the middle of the road, it was an 8 year old girl who's just fallen off her bike and is sat in the middle of the road?

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Speed at your own risk, everyone knows the rules, but nobody sticks to them. People are used to pussy rules that aren't upheld, so boolocks to you if you get caught a 20mph over. It wasn't an accident, and it's against the law. I ain't preaching like i'm perfect, i speed, but i know i can't moan if i get caught. It doesn't matter what the penalty is if you don't get caught, or don't speed. If you do get caught, well, you knew the rules, so you can't moan...

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And remember kids, it's a speed LIMIT not a speed TARGET.:)

You sound like my Driving test examiner !

He had a hard on because I timed a set of lights changing so I didn't have to come to a complete stop...Apparently it was "perfectly economical" :giggle:

Thats all I remember of my driving test lol

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Im hoping it wasn't literally on the spot... Im sure in every fine case you have to report to your local police station to hand over the cash for the fine? Or am I wrong? Bad luck I suppose, but they are seriously clamping down on stuff, just such a shame they don't have a police car on every motorway to fine the wankers who drive in the middle and 3rd lane ALL the bloody time when there's nobody in the 1st/slow lane!! :angry: I swear driving has gotten so bad in the last 3 years! </rant> lol sowwy

Edited by Jonny Jones
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just such a shame they don't have a police car on every motorway to fine the wankers who drive in the middle and 3rd lane ALL the bloody time when there's nobody in the 1st/slow lane!!

For sure. That's also dangerous. But mainly bloody phucking annoying!

That sucks about your mate, if it were his first driving offence then maybe just a fine would do?

I don't see why they don't just ban driving all together and charge us for insurance, petrol etc while riding the bus. :blink:

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And remember kids, it's a speed LIMIT not a speed TARGET.:)

Yes, but the people who find it perfectly acceptable to pootle along at 30mph in a big, wide, open national speed limit piss me right off, even moreso when they flash and give me a wanker sign or even worse still - speed up when I overtake them :angry:

Im sure in every fine case you have to report to your local police station to hand over the cash for the fine? Or am I wrong?

You are wrong, it's all done by post usually.

Edited by Jolfa
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Yes, but the people who find it perfectly acceptable to pootle along at 30mph in a big, wide, open national speed limit piss me right off, even moreso when they flash and give me a wanker sign or

Or when you over take them at night and they put there full beam on, soon as you go past them. Just means you have to pin it :rolleyes:

Probebly pisses me off more, when they're going along at like 35-40 and they pull in, to let me past even though i've left a perfectly acceptable space between us. Faggots, Just speed up!

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Well, there's a difference between holding something in your hand and just resting the hand on your lap/gear knob.

Slightly related, there was a study condutced in Switzerland or Sweden which proved that drivers who were talking over the phone (driving one handed) were much more careful and drove more safely than those who weren't making a call. Not that I think this should be made legal, just found it interesting.

Well this is it... If your speeding you know your being naughty you are on the look out what’s in front what is behind what junctions are coming up, looking for cars looking for police. (you are just going to be concentration more, this is bound to be more safer than cruising along loosing concentration, different if in town ect.... just shouldn’t be speeding there is enough to keep your concentration)

I used to be a bit of a bad speeder. Got caught doing 95 in a 60 on the way back from fort bill, went to court took the 4 points and forked out the £300. This has not made me a better driver since I got caught. It has made me stick to the speed limits or if I have creeped past notice and slow right back down. In no way can I say that this has made me a better or safer driver. Hands up though doing 95 in a 60 was absolutely not acceptable.

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Things really are getting stupid recently.

Children are distracting, should we ban them from cars? seen so much bad driving caused by kids on the school run. What about needing the toilet? talking to a passenger, adjusting the heater controls, (I've had my car since june and I could maybe, just about, on a good day, adjust my heater without looking, after a lot of distracting thumbling.) Playing with a manual choke? I can do it without looking at my hands, but I've still gotta check the rev counter A LOT if I'm in traffic and on choke. Opening a sun roof... try doing that in spring for the first time in 6 months without looking! In fact screw it, driving a new car you're not used to... The lists endless.

There always will be distractions, and the idea of 'driving without due care and attention' is very much a valid one, but discretion needs to be used when implementing it. Driving will never be 100% fool proof and safe as long as cars are controlled by people, and if not people then what? Technology's far from 100% reliable.

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Things really are getting stupid recently.

Children are distracting, should we ban them from cars? seen so much bad driving caused by kids on the school run. What about needing the toilet? talking to a passenger, adjusting the heater controls, (I've had my car since june and I could maybe, just about, on a good day, adjust my heater without looking, after a lot of distracting thumbling.) Playing with a manual choke? I can do it without looking at my hands, but I've still gotta check the rev counter A LOT if I'm in traffic and on choke. Opening a sun roof... try doing that in spring for the first time in 6 months without looking! In fact screw it, driving a new car you're not used to... The lists endless.

Ever consider stopping the car and dealing with some of these things like a safe driver should?

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Things really are getting stupid recently.

Children are distracting, should we ban them from cars? seen so much bad driving caused by kids on the school run. What about needing the toilet? talking to a passenger, adjusting the heater controls, (I've had my car since june and I could maybe, just about, on a good day, adjust my heater without looking, after a lot of distracting thumbling.) Playing with a manual choke? I can do it without looking at my hands, but I've still gotta check the rev counter A LOT if I'm in traffic and on choke. Opening a sun roof... try doing that in spring for the first time in 6 months without looking! In fact screw it, driving a new car you're not used to... The lists endless.

There always will be distractions, and the idea of 'driving without due care and attention' is very much a valid one, but discretion needs to be used when implementing it. Driving will never be 100% fool proof and safe as long as cars are controlled by people, and if not people then what? Technology's far from 100% reliable.

You talk about discretion... How about the drivers discretion as to realising whether they are paying as much attention to the road as they know they should be.

You can't ban everything, so you ban what is easiest, and what will make a difference. Your arguement is about as strong as a small time criminal saying "why are you arresting me, there are murderers out there"...

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I know what you mean, I don't think I got my point across properly, there are distractions in driving, its a fact, was basicaly my point, as you say, its the drivers job to reduce the number of distractions, and avoid any they can, by either thinking ahead, or stopping to deal with them. But its also the police's job to use their discretion when judging if the driver was being sencible in their handling of the situation.

As people have said, if he was tipping his head back and paying no attention then its kinda fair enough, but a quick sip while keeping his eyes on the traffic ahead while stationary isn't really something to end up with points over.

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