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Should I Invest £1k In Halifax Shares?



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  1. 1. Should I?

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I'm actually back in profit again for the 2nd time since i've had them as of this morning!

£18 wooo. They need to get to 180p and i'm buying a new bed, curtains and enough left over for a nice meal.

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I know hindsight is a powerful thing and all, but that's pretty hilarious :giggle:

I'm glad they're back on the up though, for your sake.

He's done the right thing though, my boss bought at a similar price, then panicked and sold at about 50p!

If Lloy followd Barc's lead you'll be laughing!

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He's done the right thing though, my boss bought at a similar price, then panicked and sold at about 50p!

If Lloy followd Barc's lead you'll be laughing!

I would have rather lot all my money than sold low.

There's loads of talk that the banks have hit rock bottom now and they only way is up - they've seen the worst. I hope so. But Llods are always going to be behind everyone else - they're the only bank not going to be seeing profit, becuase of them buying out Halifax. But ultimately i'm very sure i'm going to make some money of out this.

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Yeah you're pretty might right there. Lloyds are very good, the only thing that kicked them in the nads was HBOS. Apparently before the current fiasco Lloyds were planning on buying out the governments stake, obviously now thats far from possible but they were nearly in a very good position. Pretty good dividend payouts in the past and share price of just over £10 too.

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Today Duluth, tomorrow Wall Street, Amirite?

I hate shares, I like dealing with things that have some intrinsic value.

I'd imagine they are great fun though, as long as you're winning/ know how to play the game...

JT are you going to invest any more in the future? I'd imagine you have the time to sniff out some good buys. Or has this put you off for life...

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Today Duluth, tomorrow Wall Street, Amirite?

I hate shares, I like dealing with things that have some intrinsic value.

I'd imagine they are great fun though, as long as you're winning/ know how to play the game...

JT are you going to invest any more in the future? I'd imagine you have the time to sniff out some good buys. Or has this put you off for life...

Like money? Yeah that expensive paper. ;)

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I'd imagine they are great fun though, as long as you're winning/ know how to play the game...

It's a lot easier than people would think as long as you pay attention or are in it for the long term, it's nowhere enar as daunting a people, and certainly me originally think. Plus you can offset your losses against your profits at the end of the year for tax purposes too so it's not totally lose:lose.

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JT are you going to invest any more in the future? I'd imagine you have the time to sniff out some good buys. Or has this put you off for life...

Pretty much put me off for life.

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I hear they are up against the dollar at the moment

If 'the dollar' is your name for my bedroom wall, then yes ;)

And to tomr; yeah I think in a few years I'll look into giving them a go, right now I don't want money tied up in long term investments/ can't really afford to learn lessons the hard way...

And jt, don't necessarily give up, every trade teaches you something, just learn from your mistakes and hope for the best in future. To be fair, you'll still see an interest beating return on investment hopefully, which is what matters?

Edited by adamtrials
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It's well worth it IMO, obviously it's a tossup between having the money spare that you can risk, and making the most of the moment as most things are going up at the moment, In a few years it'll probably still be moving up although maybe not as quickly as it is at the moment, but will obviously be safer.

Money doesn't need to be tied up either, you can get it back as quickly as you put it in, I kinda saw it as a replacement for my savings account and i've had some pretty good short term returns too. Put a token £250 on RBS and that's worth about £830 today, which over 3 or 4 months is a lot better than Nationwide savings account interest!

Definitely don't give up JT, things won't always be moving upwards or in your favour, the key is doing the right thing - which you did. If that were me that'd fill me with confidence knowing i've done it right and i'd carry on. As a lot of people say, Stock trading is just a way of transferring money from the impatient to the patient.

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It's well worth it IMO, obviously it's a tossup between having the money spare that you can risk, and making the most of the moment as most things are going up at the moment, In a few years it'll probably still be moving up although maybe not as quickly as it is at the moment, but will obviously be safer.

Money doesn't need to be tied up either, you can get it back as quickly as you put it in, I kinda saw it as a replacement for my savings account and i've had some pretty good short term returns too. Put a token £250 on RBS and that's worth about £830 today, which over 3 or 4 months is a lot better than Nationwide savings account interest!

Definitely don't give up JT, things won't always be moving upwards or in your favour, the key is doing the right thing - which you did. If that were me that'd fill me with confidence knowing i've done it right and i'd carry on. As a lot of people say, Stock trading is just a way of transferring money from the impatient to the patient.

Hi guys, don't know if your still playing in the stock market but my cousin gave me a tip a few months ago when Afren (AFR) where 20p now 40p!!! with much further to go he says. This is a 1 year+ play although could rise quickly.

www.afren2009.blogspot.com (my Cousins blog on the company)

The company are Oil explorers and producers.

The company are valued at about 250 million, producing 27,000 bopd, they had a success on results from a new Field Ebok with circa 60 Million Barrels of oil in reserves. They are aiming to bring Ebok online early 2010 which could bring production to 65,000 bopd, compare that with the leading FTSE O&G companies and that's massive for an AIM company. this will be a quid plus in a year but needs patience.

A good stock with strong fundamentals and growth prospects.

Current SP - 40p - Tip: Buy and Hold - Target 100p (mid 2010)

Hope this helps.


Edited by Dean_Monty_Kamel
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  • 2 months later...

So, i know people are interested in how this is working out for me.

My 1k now stands at 570, however i got 113 in a bonus from some scheme i don't understand, i'll probably buy more with that 113.

So i'm back up to around 700.

Over and out.

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  • 2 months later...

Well it's all over, had to sell because my bank found out I live in a different country and could no longer provide me services.

I made around 72 pounds. Not exactly the 500 pounds I was hoping for, but it's still a significant profit considering i was nearly 700 pounds down at one point.

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Well it's all over, had to sell because my bank found out I live in a different country and could no longer provide me services.

I made around 72 pounds. Not exactly the 500 pounds I was hoping for, but it's still a significant profit considering i was nearly 700 pounds down at one point.

But was all the worry worth £72 :P ? How did they find out?

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But was all the worry worth £72 :P ? How did they find out?

Don't know really, got some good experience out of it, and it's 72 pounds i have now that I didn't. But yeah when my money was worth a third I did have big regrets.

I told them. Basically my card kept getting blocked and my home address kept getting bombarded with phone calls and letters because some person in america was using my card. This time i said i wanted this not to happen anymore (which I'd told them every other time) as it's happened 4 or 5 times now, they asked for my address etc, didn't know i wouldn't be able to use them if I was living in a different country.

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£72 profit over a period of 256 days works out to 28p a day, which works out to approx 1.1p an hour, so you are a pretty leet guy I think

72 pounds over 256 days compared to my income over those same days means that by buying and selling these shares I made infinitely more money than I would have.


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