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Danny Metcalfe

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As plenty of people have already said, a helmet isn't optional when you go out riding, it's something you should be wearing at all times. I never go out on the bike without one, whether I'm commuting to uni or on a proper ride. I've had plenty of close calls where my helmet has undoubtedly saved me from some serious injury, and the ironic thing is that they were all on small walls when I was mucking around. It's not always going to be the massive gap drop that'll get you - you can't choose the time or place you do something silly, or the moment a car pulls out in front of you unexpectedly as you cross the road. Don't gamble with your life for the sake of £40 quid, or because you think it looks daft. Wear your helmets children!

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Where one all the time.

It hides my mess of hair, shows people that you have some sense as you have considered your own personal safety, combine this with courtesy towards pedestrians and you'll be a good trials rider in no time.

It adds a professional look to the sport, but the main reason is to keep yourself safe.

Anyone who says they are too good, or too in-experienced for a helmet needs to get a life.


I always wear mine.

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How much is your life to you?

How much is a helmet?

You can get decent ones from about £40, is your life worth more than £40?

And, can any of you speak English properly?

er...by the looks of it id say nay

Sorry sir, i was not aware that we had to speak in proper english.

It's not obligatory...but it aids other human beings in understanding what you're trying to say

i never wear my helmet anymore mainly because it doesnt fit anymore but my dreads cousion my head if i fall off

yeh... about that...i dobnt think dreads will stop your head from being split open like a melon if you flip over on a big drop....

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Helmet all the way.

The day I tried to hop onto a car bike rack that was on the ground outside Asda and smashed my head on the floor was the day I decided to wear a helmet all the time.

But, one day I didnt, tried a road gap, fell, and ended up in hospital with a very swollen bloody hand. I was very lucky not to have hit my head that day. So you should maybe wear gloves too.

I E.Ted it over a jump at a Downhill/freeride trail and landed on my shoulder/head. I was wearing a full face helmet. Thank God for that. The jaw of the Helmet had a big gash in it where I hit a rock. I took my gogles off and everything was tinted blue.


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I usually always wear one, especially on a big ride, somewhere like leeds because lots of other riders use them. just maybe me but i feel like im CLS once iv got one on.

Well, one view is that helmets weren't made to look pretty stapped to your bag they are there for a reason . .


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I say neigh to helmets all i do is dont fall off!

You don't have a brain do you.

Damn, you beat me to it!

I am getting very annoyed by people saying they wear halmets when most people don't and don't have a go at me if you are one of the people that do but when out riding I have never ridden trials with another person who was wearing a helmet! ('BREATHE', continue rant in head)

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Damn, you beat me to it!

I am getting very annoyed by people saying they wear halmets when most people don't and don't have a go at me if you are one of the people that do but when out riding I have never ridden trials with another person who was wearing a helmet! ('BREATHE', continue rant in head)

I don't own one (yet)

and dont' really wear one going for a chilled ride by my self.

as soon as I get with other riders and the bar is raised, I'm trying new things then i'll borrow my mates.

I still feel like a tw*t wearing the typical MTB lids.

need to get me a piss pot.

the only time i needed a helmet (and was wearing one), i flipped my bike and landed on my sholder/head on the edge of a curb, the helmet i was wearing,

cracked, split and impailed the back of my neck. it was a Met.........something from Halfords.

if any trials rider should wear one, it should protect the bk of you head/neck.

but then again if you doing low risk manuvers your more likely to shin-dig.

I (almost) never ride with out my 661 shinnies.


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Where one all the time.

It hides my mess of hair, shows people that you have some sense as you have considered your own personal safety, combine this with courtesy towards pedestrians and you'll be a good trials rider in no time.

It adds a professional look to the sport, but the main reason is to keep yourself safe.

Anyone who says they are too good, or too in-experienced for a helmet needs to get a life.

this man knows the stuff (Y)

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wear one, as you never know when your going to fall off. Last year I didn't wear one and I smacked my head on concrete. The only thing I was glad about was that I was able to walk away unharmed. So now I always wear a one.

I say neigh to helmets all i do is dont fall off!

one day you'll fall off and it won't be get up and walk away. wear one m8.

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I always wear one

Because one of my mates fell off his bmx jumping and his helmet saved him


That was me; I have never ridden without a helmet on. I never thought it would ever save me but I wore it anyway. I fell of my BMX when jumping some steps a while ago, slid along the ground head first into some rocks and spent the next 2 nights in intensive care. I can only remember coming home from school and then next I was lying in a hospital bed at 12 o'clock at night. I was really glad to be wearing my helmet as the doctors said if hadn't I would be seriously brain damaged or dead!

So I personally think, helmets are brill!

Edited by Joe Hawkins
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That was me; I have never ridden without a helmet on. I never thought it would ever save me but I wore it anyway. I fell of my BMX when jumping some steps a while ago, slid along the ground head first into some rocks and spent the next 2 nights in intensive care. I can only remember coming home from school and then next I was lying in a hospital bed at 12 o'clock at night. I was really glad to be wearing my helmet as the doctors said if hadn't I would be seriously brain damaged or dead!

So I personally think, helmets are brill!

Agreed, Thank god your ok after that aswell

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