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Gay Onza Bee Boy Jack And The Evil Gay Spelling Bee

Jack Chinnery

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I want to say that they are not me signing into a different account it is in fact leon and tom

for proof that its not me look at the msn;

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

go on forum

jacko says:

what nd look at the topid in NMC

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

thety deleted the first one then we made another then that got suspended for 28 years then we made another which got suspended for ever people think its either you or callum curwood

jacko says:

they dont think its me anymore cos the admins have proven it so...

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

they do though

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

because we made more saying its me onza t-vee rider jack

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

one of the accounts was gay onza bee boy jack

jacko says:


- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

ha newb

- leon lyons jodie is lush ----koxx xtp soon,...macheala buzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

and some guy that knows you joined the crew aswell

Its not me :@. Now lets get on nicly and get leon and tom banned.

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