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Call Of Duty: World At War


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Picked it up yesterday as I felt I missed out on alot with C.O.D 4 never really played first person shooting games but I have to say it is ammazing and very addictive I don't last more than 20seconds online without geting shot but it's all good fun. Anyone else got it/played it?

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I only really bought it for the online play.

Something different to Call of Duty 4 I guess, new maps, guns, and some nice new perks.

I was playing with a guy earlier who had been on for 1 day 2 hours and he had already prestiged once and was rank 24 of that prestige.

I'm in 27 at the moment.

I never got to the top rank on COD4, so I might try it on 5.

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£27 :S. You sure you got COD 5 World at war. It's only been out for 2 days.

The most expensive i've seen it is £38. Maybe 'cause its on the Nintendo DS and the Wii as well so they can afford to have it a little cheaper or something?

whereas when i was in Tesco tonight they only had COD 4 and were still selling it at £40 :S

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But they are supermarkets and only had about 20 copies per store, so it was kinda gay to those who didn't want to go at midnight.

It's the kind of BS supermarkets pull to claim that they are the cheapest places around, but before you know it, it will be back up to £40 or even £50.

CoD4 is still that price because its one of the best selling games going, even a year after it's release.

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I bought COD - It was awsome

I bought COD UO - It was even better

I bought COD 2 - It was alright

I bought COD 3 - Oh no I didn't

I bought COD 4 - Havn't I seem some of these buildings before? Havn't I heard these sounds before? Ahh yes COD2 re textured in places. Took no time at all to compleate. Not many people

seemed to bother making custom maps like they used to for the origanal game.

I'm aquring COD 5 - Wait for it to finish being aquired. Then I shall rate it, if its better than COD4 I might buy it.

Maybe I'm just too much of a COD UO veteran, stuck in my old ways......

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Finished aquring it. Doubt I will buy it, not worth it really.

Single player was way too short, seem to have missed out the British Forces efforts in WW2. Storyline was alright, could have done with some less in your face moments, needed more sniping moments.


Not really fussed on the attachments you can get for some of the guns. Silencer on the thompson sub machine gun!!!!! I'm not the best with the history of guns, but I have never seen one. Ever. I've seen a sten gun with a silencer, british special forces used them I belive. Also some of the sights you can get are ridiculous and I'm dam sure they wouldn't have been about then.

Maybe I'm wrong, if I am tell me.

Apart from all that negativity, its still good to go blasting people in the face with a BAR.

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