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I'm not gonna watch it because I know it'll just make me angry at how retarded people can be...

One of very few times I'll say QFT.

It's f**king sick, so sick infact I've turned over to Dave to watch Jack Dee at the Apollo.

Some cuntz going around blinding children and burning them and torturing them to get witchcraft out of them. And making the parents pay the equivalent for £120 for the privilege.

Why the f**k is this left to happen ? Like the turkish special needs asylums that were on the other day.

They all need to be tied up and burnt and publicly humiliated themselves. f**king bunch of c**ts.

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done done Duhhhh,

Boswell strikes again...

And your posts are always some magnificant insight into a world of knowledge and wisdom?

Seriously, stuff like this gets posted all the time and no one give a toss...just because its Boswell you feel the need to some and make some repetitive joke thats been said in pretty much every single one of his topics - some of which may I add weren't that bad.

This topic, for example, has some discussion to it...I would certainly discuss it if I had watched the programme. However its yet another topic thats going to die a death because 2 or 3 people disagree with it.

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I have to say I’ve had to bite my tongue a few times. I think there are a lot of people on here with a major superiority complex; using the forum as a way to pick on others and basically compensate for their own feelings of inferiority and rejection in the world outside of Trials Forum (although that world is a distant memory for some…!).

Everyone makes dickheaded posts, but there seems a culture of habitually ganging up on a few specific people for shits and giggles. I know a good deal of the people who regularly do it are kids, but you’d think judging by some of their more intelligent posts they’d grow up.

Before the defensive nips start bleating, I’m not ranting about anything said in this topic particularly or recently, just in general.

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