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Koxx Days 2009


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what they gonna do matt come get you from france and take you back to school lol

im tempted with the idea but going away with brother and his mates in may for weekend piss up hehe how much would it cost for a whole week, without food, beer, ciggys. just the travel and accomodation

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Ive Been Meaning to come to this For years, But havent.

Might try and Make an aperance this time round.

You think itll be worth it? Those who know me think ill have a good time?

If I do Go Ill be heading out from the South east, so can met up/convoy/give lift to from this area, and hopefully meet everyone else at the Station/ferry port and follow you accross.

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Ive Been Meaning to come to this For years, But havent.

Might try and Make an aperance this time round.

You think itll be worth it? Those who know me think ill have a good time?

If I do Go Ill be heading out from the South east, so can met up/convoy/give lift to from this area, and hopefully meet everyone else at the Station/ferry port and follow you accross.

you better come, jp cycles will withdraw sponsorship if you dont.

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Ive Been Meaning to come to this For years, But havent.

Might try and Make an aperance this time round.

You think itll be worth it? Those who know me think ill have a good time?

If I do Go Ill be heading out from the South east, so can met up/convoy/give lift to from this area, and hopefully meet everyone else at the Station/ferry port and follow you accross.

Wanna give me a lift from paris? :giggle:

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Im still waiting for my JP trial Co Sponsership Pack to arrive. Any sign of it?

Depending on Competition Dates I could be coming along With Pat Donovan. Lets hope theres none on at the time.

the used connie is getting tumble dried as we speak and im waiting for delivery of a new batch of hot gobblings

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  • 2 weeks later...
Apparently, its not worth riding :S

So nope. If we do decide we'll just bugger off one day and go. You'll know where we're staying because you'll be able to hear....LOUD NOISES!!!

Paris has the absulute sickest street ive ever ridden, its f**king immense, where did u hear it wasnt worth it?

And are u sure loud noises will occur? theres always a handful of f**k nuggets, who dont like it and are scared were gonna get kicked out of france.

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Take it there is a camping area? camper vans aloud? where in france is it held? and is there a fee?

Need abit of info as there is a few of us that want to go!

Cheers guys.

I think you can camp throughout most of the forest, but there are certain areas for camping with buildings with toilets, showers, kitchen type sinks etc.

Google map 'Rue De Roches, Buthiers' (Y) Pretty sure camper vans are allowed as quite a few people slept in their vans last year, not sure on how much it'd cost though.

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Hey all. I'm from Australia and plan to come to Europe for koxx days and the first WC round in Spain. However because I've never been to Europe before, and wont be able to drive, I have quite a few questions. So if anyone could bare with me and answer my questions that would be great.

My plan has been to fly into Paris, then get a train down to near Buthier. Presumably then I would need to get a taxi to the site. So question number one is this. How small is this town? Will I actually be able to get a taxi? (in australia small towns tend not to have much in the way of taxis...)

So next up is accomodation. Obviously you can camp (but this will be hard cause im flying and wont be able to bring a tent etc). There seems to be accomodation at Buthier. Has anyone used it before? Could you recomend what to book? Will anyone be using it this year that I could crash with?

And the final question (for now... there plenty more in my mind). Is there food available to buy on the Buthier site, or will I need to go back into town to get some?

Well thanks in advance for all your help. Hope to see you all there.


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Hi guys,

KOXX/K-124, K-124UK and TartyBikes have an idea that we would like to run past you, if you think it's a good one then please post up and let me know so we can get the ball rolling.

It would be like a 'package deal' including travel (by minibus - with pickup/dropoff points at Preston, Birmingham, London and Maidstone), accommodation (in the dorms at Base de Buthier), trip to Paris on Friday for the street ride and entry for the Koxx Days Trials competition on Sunday. Leaving date would be Thursday 26th, returning Sunday 30th.

What would not be included: Food, travel insurance, babysitting :P

The maximum number would be 15 at which the cost would be approx £185 each. It would be possible with 10 people but because of fuel/rental/ferry/toll road costs the price would increase to more like £250.

Would anyone be interested? I guess it's mainly aimed at younger guys who can't drive themselves there, but would be open to anyone.

Any questions just ask.



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