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O2 Monthly Payments On Iphone

Ross McArthur

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Ok, im wondering if people can help me get an Iphone.

I have a Nokia N95 and my 18 month contract runs out in 3 months. I am able to get an early upgrade just now if I like.

Im paying 35 quid a month on the tariff im on and dont fancy paying any more than that.

To get an upgrade to the Iphone I would have to pay 99quid for the phone to stick with my £35 tariff. Or I can get it free if I upgrade to £45 a month.

After buying a flat recently, im looking to save monthly out goings as much as possible.

So, does anyone know if I could phone up 02 costomer services and ask if I could get a free Iphone on the £35 tariff? And what to say in my argument??...Ive been a loyal costomer for years n all that...Im going to cancel my contract if I dont get it or whatever?

Any help or experiences will help.


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You need to consider what you're getting with the £45 contract and what you're getting now, do you ever exceed your limits?

For example I was on a £30 contract with Orange - 500 minutes, 500 texts and I exceeded it every month. I then got another contract for £35 with unlimited texts and 900 minutes - extra £5 but it beats paying an extra £XX for exceeding the contract.

If I remember correctly the contracts for the iPhone with O2 are rather poor - basically its about £45 for anything to be considered 'reasonable'.

Obviously it would work out cheaper to pay the £99 for the handset, will to exceed £100 on your exceeded phone bills?

When is the iPhone going to Orange? I though it was Decemeber or something, rumour perhaps?


Edit: Yes, I'd give them a ring and see what they say to your suggestion of a free handset. From experience, anything that you pay a regular Direct Debit to will probably happily bend over backwards for you - if you have a good credit history and service with them they'll probably help you out :)

Edited by anzo
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YES I do go over my £35. Usually about 40 I end up paying.

I have gold insurance too!

You do get a good bit more with the I phone I suppose, what with free internet and GPS so the extra tenner a month might not be so bad.

I can do the £45 a month then after 9 months change my tariff back to 35. So it works out cheaper doing that than paying £99 for the handset...A tenner, wooooo <_<

Yea im on direct debit, have been for about 4 years! So I would expect them to do some thing??

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my phone bill with VODAPHONE was £135 a month is

i bought an iphone with a 45 pound contract from 02 and 7.50 add on for unlimited texts and 7.50 insurance. saves me like 60 a month vodaphone were useless and i tried the oh ill go else where and i ended up doing jsut that.

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  Ross McArthur said:
YES I do go over my £35. Usually about 40 I end up paying.

I have gold insurance too!

You do get a good bit more with the I phone I suppose, what with free internet and GPS so the extra tenner a month might not be so bad.

I can do the £45 a month then after 9 months change my tariff back to 35. So it works out cheaper doing that than paying £99 for the handset...A tenner, wooooo <_<

Yea im on direct debit, have been for about 4 years! So I would expect them to do some thing??

O2 won't budge on iPhone tariffs - I've argued. You can speak to CPW/O2/Apple and they will all give you EXACTLY the same answer, they can't / won't change any of the prices. Even for extras like insurance, they won't alter their prices. I reckon Apple must be really screwing O2 on price.

I also wondered about getting the £45 tariff for 9 months, to get a free phone, before reducing it. However, I know that I'm stupid and I would forget to reduce the tariff, so I just went for the £35 one which has enough minutes/texts for me. I suppose if you thought you might use the extra minutes you get on the £45 tariff, then go for it. Just make sure you don't forget to reduce it!

Just check that the £35 tariff you have is the same as the one you're going on to. Because the iPhone tariffs are different as they include free data. So just check it has enough inclusive minutes etc.

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The thing is, I usually (always) go over on is texts....never the minutes! So on the 35 tariff i get 500 texts, but on the 45 I still get 500 and more minutes which im never going to use!! So im paying for nothing baisically...ok im getting an Iphone for free, but its the principle!!

Edited by Ross McArthur
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  Ross McArthur said:
The thing is, I usually (always) go over on is texts....never the minutes! So on the 35 tariff i get 500 texts, but on the 45 I still get 500 and more minutes which im never going to use!! So im paying for nothing baisically...ok im getting an Iphone for free, but its the principle!!

Yeah, the iPhone tariffs aren't ideal if you're a heavy texter, even if you go up to £75. It's a bit weird. Email is miles better though, but hardly anyone has email on their phone so SMS isn't dead just yet.

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  Synergy said:
do you lot listen at all :S for 7.50 extra you get unlimited texts

Yea, we know. My point was that id quite like to be paying £35 instead of £45 a month. So if I went for the Iphone Id be paying £45, then you are pointing out if I go to £52.50 Id get an Iphone with unlimited texts.....I only want to pay £35!!

Seems that I wont be able to, so cheers anyway.

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  Tony Harrison said:
Do people really use more than the 500 or so texts a month you get with the contract?

And no, I doubt they'll give you the bone for free.

yes, a mate went through near on 5000 last month, how i dont quite know

but i can do 1000+ on a regular month

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  Synergy said:
the cnotract with vodaphone i had was 3400 texts a month free and i was reguraly going over it :(

That's over 100 texts a day?! How? You know that you can actually talk to people in real life yes? And do things productively with your time rather than spending cash on sending a couple of hundred characters at a time through the airwaves.

Note: I don't think this is flaming or whatever I keep getting banned for, it's just a lack of understanding on how it's possible to live a life and send that many texts?

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  Tomm said:
I don't understand how people do that. I get pissed off at constantly having to write texts and I only use 300 a month or so. Ringing people is sooooo much better.

maybe its an age sorta thing?

I know my brother will text a conversation, but i cant justify the time it takes, if i call someone i can get my message across in less than 60 seconds usually...

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  Ross McArthur said:
With texts you cant mince your words though. You can reply to a question the way you would like instead of rushing into harsh decisions....In certain cases. :-

But people can't hear the tone of your voice. Texts --> more misunderstandings for sure.

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