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Unseen Footage

Danny Swindlehurst

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I actually liked it, not a big fan of epic instrumentals but it was okay, editing was coooool.

As for that ross Bloke, Please shut up you bellend.

Why what the f**k are you gonna do? my name is ross clayton you can clearly see that u willy in my name (Y)

Ross much love oh yer i apparwently bum you anol danny lmao. iv emet u twice in my whole life,

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I can't see he willy in your name?

You bum him anal? What if you want to bum him blowjob?

go deeper ....

F**K sake stop arguing :S all i wanted opinions on my video no a debate on anal! im taking in all the bad comments in not botherd, bare in some of this footage is over year old lads... no wonder its same old riding

Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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shit the bed you can hop!

i dont think it shows off your full potential though. I feel that if you grouped moves together then it would make for a slightly more impressive video.

Im not saying you have to try and ride like your on a 24, just that if you did - massive sidehop, to technical rail ride, to massive gap it would be an interesting video - lets be honest you are more than capable of doing it!

editing was not for me - i havent watched with sound as i dont have speakers, but the shots where you have filtered the clips just looks like you went crazy with movie maker. The transitions / quick changes does suit your riding though.

keep bringing out the videos lad - your a decent rider and im sure your videos will continue to progress in both editing and riding!

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Oreet people, i thought i'd scrape some old footage out from some of my recent videos ( forever dream,11th hour,noisia2 and zestseries) and make a little video of all the Un-seen footage i didnt use they arnt the biggest of lines but its a nice video! You can download it and i would advides you to cause you see the editing better :D bit of mod and stock so you cant winge.

anway...enjoy and comments :D

danny x

Oh dear Buzz! I go into hibernation for just a little while and the youth of today have become morons, what a sad, sad day for me.

sick as f**k!

awesum editing!


You're in a role model position and this is the best effort you can muster? You should be ashamed.

why bother going through the efforrt to open thhe page and commenting that if there soo boring? :(

GOOD Danny im not trying to argu im just proving my point around.

I had this problem once. I found honey was stuck under my keys keeping them pressed down. I hope for your sake its a similar case!

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best vid yett, editing was absolutely brilliant. Going on my itunes in like 5 minutes.

Supper amazing riding, crazy to see the shit you leave out, super huge ha.


look he did say every time i see one of your videos i know its going to be you with your ass hanging out he managed to find out easily enogugh it was his video. pretty sure it was common sense look at his name? (Y)

and also danny said post away comment or what ever. why open his vid in the first place if he find them boring. ;)

What the f**k wrong with you people think about stuff before you start posting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fauir does comment things you dislike just dont have a go and comment on what hes wearing like his boxers oh my god why does everybody look at his arse anyway its kind of worrying :(

Ross x

Yu watched it because you liked it you dont have to be shy or nervous that you like the proper street bashing moves.


Acutally really enjoyed that. Classic.

dude honestly they say it to every1s videos, for proof, check my video topics out

its only constructive critisism though, youle never get ALL good comments, you just have to try take what people say into account, or, on the otherhand, edit youre videos for youreslf nobody else

i liked the video danny, alot, BUT, i can see what people mean about it lackin diversity, you need to film loadsa of random bollocks for youre new video so its creative and shows youre FULL potential, BUT just because there wasnt loads of diffrent moves doesnt mean it wasnt enjoyable, it was, i loved it, i love youre style


keep up the good work pal

see you weekend fat bio


yer i agree danny macs videos are mint but everybody is different we all like different things,just why comment on hius arse its his video no one elses he can edit it how ever he wants.

Why what the f**k are you gonna do? my name is ross clayton you can clearly see that u willy in my name (Y)

Ross much love oh yer i apparwently bum you anol danny lmao. iv emet u twice in my whole life,

Like a yawn idiocy, it seems, is contagious. Standards are slipping and I fear you illiterates will bring about the downfall of our world. There is a chance for redemption as while we are here it is not too late to fight commonplace, but this can not continue.

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Would be nice to see you throw down more tech lines and links like the one you nailed over the skip :o . You've got so much power and skill ability, it just seems wasted purely on huge lines :sleeping: . By all means keep throwing down the big stuff :S , but mix it up with more diversity (Y)

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Like a yawn idiocy, it seems, is contagious. Standards are slipping and I fear you illiterates will bring about the downfall of our world. There is a chance for redemption as while we are here it is not too late to fight commonplace, but this can not continue.

Quite clearly not the 'Grammar and construction of sentences bee" are you? :P

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Oh dear Buzz! I go into hibernation for just a little while and the youth of today have become morons, what a sad, sad day for me.

You're in a role model position and this is the best effort you can muster? You should be ashamed.

I had this problem once. I found honey was stuck under my keys keeping them pressed down. I hope for your sake its a similar case!

Like a yawn idiocy, it seems, is contagious. Standards are slipping and I fear you illiterates will bring about the downfall of our world. There is a chance for redemption as while we are here it is not too late to fight commonplace, but this can not continue.

spell your words correctly lads, or the bee will start crying!

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Riding was nice, some big stuff in there, I liked the sidehop from the bench, looked huge.

My criticism will be the same as always, it is good to see a few big moves and such, but I'd love to see a whole unbroken line as Mr. Travis said, just posting up one clip of one move, it may have taken you ages to land the sidehop, but from the point of the viewer, we don't know that (not saying you can't do moves consistently).

A line however, it may not have as big moves to it, but I'd rather see a consistent line with smaller moves, than a consistent sidehop.

I guess if its old clips then you couldn't really do much about it, but you've heard the peoples opinions on here, so I'll look forward to what your next video brings.

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Most of the time I dont like your videos, but that was a good video, I liked and editing and music...and as for your riding 'Holy Mince' you can hop...I look forward to thenext video!

I must also add I always like when you put up a video thread, cause you can always guarantee that one of your 'wee' fans will start an argument they cant win!

Keep the riding up min!

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