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Errrm Chav Fight, Chavs Loose


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Next time you see them just threaten the f**k out of them. They're obviously scared of you. So you just need to get across that if anyone goes near you you're going straight to them. You'll scare them enough to forget about it. If they're genuinely fags just trying to be hard they'll poo their pants and calm down. Try and catch one of them, then shuv them against a wall and shout at them.

Bit risky but could work.

Or just phone the police and make up a load of crap "they threatened me and said they will cut me open and kill my family, I'm really scared" then the police will go around, warn them, and they'll be too scared for anything to happen. Or that could just backfire if there family are c**ts, that could only work if there parents aren't as chavy as them.

one of their dads is in prison who slicing someone with a machete or something, and the others parents are jus fck ups aswell i think... so thats pointless...

might jus go for knock outs, thatll shake them up enough maybe hmmmmmm

pfft i guess ill soon see what happens, and plus when im about sheringham im on a bike mainly, so if they do decide to out number me i can get away... blah

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Beginning to think maybe you should have kept your nose out now?

Uh huh.

Moral of the story: Don't bother getting involved unless you can man up and not cry about it on a forum. Sounds harsh, but ultimately I think you made the wrong decision not f**king them up the first time and now you're paying for it in anxiety. Hope it all ends well, but it could have been ended by now or just never started.

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If its anything like my area they wont go looking for you but if they do see you then thell kick off. chavs tend to hold grudges about things like gettin knocked out and generaly wont stop till your beaten up. but hey might not be like that where you live.

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Coming across not scared is the best bet. if one squares up, just stand there. Buy a Kubaton off ebay, aslong as its plastic or wood its legal. Jam it into the collar bone area hard enough and they wont want to keep fighting. Or, run if they chase you, fastest catches you, kick f**k out of him, fun again and so on..

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yeah dont be scared of them mate otherwise they'll keep thinking they're the shit.

Dont start anything if you see them like, but if you've battered them twice now they'll start giving up. And if they jump you, jump them back but tougher :)

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Adrian will you ever learn? who was it?

jamie voss

jack pask

lewis scales

and 2 others

i took jacka lewis out haha lewis was crying his eyes out, who cry's at this age :S funny

and so was jamie hahaha

na im mainly jus a bit bothered in case they jump me or use nasty weapons or summit...

well at least now i know how they fight so next time, i can give em a serious goin over lol

Buy a crowbar.


The idea of coming across as confident and not scared is the best one. Also, be prepared for them. You just need to be careful, as they could well ambush you, and you could be outnumbered.

oh and iv got one, and a few other things... im way more armed then theyll ever be... but i wont use that shit unless i have no choice lol weapons are for wimps (unless the guy really deserves it)

Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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HAHAwas jamie voss crying aswell? LMAO

yeh just go about on your bike like we used to in the summer, they never did anything did they? they just mouthed off...worked well enough after the joe incident lol!

Edit: Fair Fcuking play for taking both of em :lol:

Edited by Ryan.
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Right, in my own experience, if something kicks off and you end up fighting some chavs, they VERY rarely follow up with what they say.. The best thing that you could possibly do it stay away from where they normally hang out, if you see one of them on his own- don't fight him 'cause it'll just anger the rest of them, and keep a low profile[as Inur said]. That's what I did and nothing came of it.


jamie voss

I recognise that name, didn't you make a thread about him stealing your bike?

Edited by BenJohn-Hynes
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There's a saying that goes ''the fear of hurt is worse than hurt itself''

Get out there, do your thing, if anything kicks off while you're out and about, call the police and deal with it your way until they get there.

You don't know what they plan to do, you don't know what they think of you so you cant live in fear. They're winning already and they havnt done anything much.

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Good plan, carry fireworks to shoot at them :P

To be honest i reckon they're nothing to worry about. If they were gonna come all 'armshouse' with knives/friends they'd have done it the first time when you arranged to meet them. The ones that chat shit the most tend to not do alot.

And don't worry about his dad too much, he's locked up so can't exactly do alot. And it's not like his Al Capone or something is it, he was just enough of a dick to carry/use a machete. That's probably bullshit anyway as you said 'apparently' and stuff like that always gets hyped up. He probably stabbed someone in the shin with a corkscrew or something.

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What are you talking about mate? One mintue your being hard enough to go out of your way, to get into a fight which had nothing to do with you, when you wern't in the slightest bit involved, being the 'big man' going to a park to fight, and winning and now your on a public forum crying like a little child about it... if your 'hard' enough to do it in the 1st place of least be big enough to stand up and stand your ground later on. and even if you do get beaten the living shit out of then you do rather deserve it. if your big enough to dish it out then your big enough to stand up and take it like a little bitch, as the saying goe's, what goes arround come arround so hell yea expect it.

if i got beaten shitless by someone, and i saw them later on with a crowd of mates what would you expect me to do/ shake his hand and give him a pat on the back for a good punch/ to be honest i know i would do very little, because im a bit more mature, especially not stupid enough to meet someone down the park for a fight which i knew, knew my name home adress etc.

i wouldn't do anything different personally, if you get something you deserve it, in the most unharsh way

You do know that the saying 'the pen is mightier than the sword' doesn't really hold in knife fights, right?

seriously if you get stabbed whatever it f**king hurts, whatever it is a pen will do the trick. never seen the faculty/ potentially worse because it will shatter and leave plastic fragments inside you

sorry for my poor english shift keys not been working

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