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Bbc: Jeremy Clarkson


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_45171312_clarkson_pa226b.jpg His face say's it all, "I dont give a shit"

I was cracking up when he said it, it's true, just like that movie. Think it's called Road kill, the one with that nutty lorry driver anyway.

The Iceland advert lass!

Kerry, get her off the telly.

Kerry Katona? Everyone already hate's her remember?

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Everyone who has commented on this thread MUST watch the latest Buzzcocks, epic pi*s take!

This has been NMTB. I've had a loverly safe time and I hope you have to. If theres anything at all that you don't like about me, just let me know and I'l be happy to change
Edited by beigemaster
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Just reminds me of the stereotypical kid at school that was skilled at taking the piss out of other people.

I don't think he's even skilled at that. From the little I've seen of him, he just does the whole 'I'm a raving homosexual. Oooh, look at him! I'd give him one... oooh, you know what I mean ;). Did I mention I like men?! Ooooooohhh....' Which I just don't find funny. And his voice. I find Graham Norton a whole lot less offensive to watch and that's saying something.

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The MP clearly doesn't understand dry humour and I vote for his having a prolonged exposure to all of Chris Morris's comedy. "Jam", "Nathan Barley" etc. are my favourite comedy shows thus far but at same time are what a lot of people would find offensive, for reasons they don't even really understand.

I love those shows, Chris Morris is fantastic. Do you remember when his paedophile special of Brasseye got banned because it was too offensive? I'm confused as to who actually complained, unless it was just a whole load of nonces?

Unfortunately, the over sensitive PC crew are here to stay, it's a vicious circle. People don't seem to be able to realise that the joke is against the sterotype of the subject its aimed at, rather than what it really is. Of course there are exceptions which tend to be more directly aimed at individuals or small groups, but in this case Clarkson doesn't appear to of aimed it directly at the suffolk murders, there is no mention of them apart from the word prositute, so its up to the viewers interpretation?

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I'm not the biggest fan of Clarkson but an MP trying to get him fired for a bit of a risky joke? hasn't the MP got a better things to do its insane.

I'm quite keen on getting some people off the telly any one up for saying David Dickensons fake tan offends you?

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I don't think he's even skilled at that. From the little I've seen of him, he just does the whole 'I'm a raving homosexual. Oooh, look at him! I'd give him one... oooh, you know what I mean ;). Did I mention I like men?! Ooooooohhh....' Which I just don't find funny. And his voice. I find Graham Norton a whole lot less offensive to watch and that's saying something.

I just got Jimmy Carr mixed up with Alan Carr. Oops. I've only seen Alan Carr briefly on a few occassions and he didn't make me laugh - thus the briefness of occassion.

I used to think Graham Norton was really funny but not so much anymore. He just tends to work you up into a teenage stupor where you easily laugh about sex. All though he's not completely about that and it's not to say he still doesn't make me laugh on occassion :)

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I love those shows, Chris Morris is fantastic. Do you remember when his paedophile special of Brasseye got banned because it was too offensive? I'm confused as to who actually complained, unless it was just a whole load of nonces?

Unfortunately, the over sensitive PC crew are here to stay, it's a vicious circle. People don't seem to be able to realise that the joke is against the sterotype of the subject its aimed at, rather than what it really is. Of course there are exceptions which tend to be more directly aimed at individuals or small groups, but in this case Clarkson doesn't appear to of aimed it directly at the suffolk murders, there is no mention of them apart from the word prositute, so its up to the viewers interpretation?

Well, it might be the case that it is. Has Clarkson denied that it was aimed at them? Regardless, there definitely is a type of interpretation going on, and ultimately a choice, as to what someone finds offensive. It might not be an easy choice depending on how you've developed but clearly it's a choice when you see that some of us aren't offended and some of us are. We're not born knowing words and cultural conditions (prostitution and their murder) so our response to them is conditioned. Is there a usefullness to being offended about such jokes? Not that I can see - you just waste your time be experiencing distress at the words of others. It's only when the words relate to some occurence in the present or future reality that it might be worth being offended by them. For instance the words, "I'm going to kill you by stabbing you to death one thousand times with a toothpick" might be worth getting a bit pissed off about in order to possess a more supportive emotional state in order for defending yourself against such an attack. Even then however, you'd probably be better off by maintaining your cool and lack of concern in terms of achieving a decent concentration.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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Is the MP who's complained the MP of a constituency where one/some/all of the girls died? In which case he kind of has a duty to defend the families who most likely still stay there. Must be some votes in it for him somewhere...

Haha exactly. This supposed moral duty probably amounts to a desire for some other, personal accomplishment. Oh the irony and a good part of the reason I mostly ignore mainstream politics these days.

And yes he is the MP for the area in which the murders happened.

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The thing that seems a little strange to me is:

A Labour MP has written to the BBC insisting Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson is sacked for a recent joke he made on the BBC show about prostitutes.

Ipswich MP Chris Mole called the remark a "dismissible offence".


Clarkson made the joke while taking part in a lorry-driving task on Sunday's edition of Top Gear on BBC Two. "Change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder. That's a lot of effort in a day," he said."


So that joke was apparently so offensive the BBC have repeatedly apologised for it, and people are saying he should be sacked for saying it, yet the BBC are perfectly happy to quote the joke in every news article about it?

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The thing that seems a little strange to me is:

So that joke was apparently so offensive the BBC have repeatedly apologised for it, and people are saying he should be sacked for saying it, yet the BBC are perfectly happy to quote the joke in every news article about it?


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The thing that seems a little strange to me is:

So that joke was apparently so offensive the BBC have repeatedly apologised for it, and people are saying he should be sacked for saying it, yet the BBC are perfectly happy to quote the joke in every news article about it?

The way I read the article, the BBC weren't apologising, they were saying it was a joke, quoted from that article and others on the bbc site:

n response to complaints earlier in the week, the BBC said: "The vast majority of Top Gear viewers have clear expectations of Jeremy Clarkson's long-established and frequently provocative on-screen persona.

"This particular reference was used to comically exaggerate, and make ridiculous, an unfair urban myth about the world of lorry driving, and was not intended to cause offence."

So I figure the BBC are happy to quote it all over the place as they don' see it as a problem. Also:

Will Shiers, editor of Truck & Driver magazine said "a small number of drivers were offended by the murdering prostitute reference".

"On the whole, I thought the show was really entertaining.

"If anything it succeeded in demonstrating to car drivers just how difficult it is to drive a truck."

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They realistically wouldn't sack him because, as mentioned, it was viewed n stuff before broadcasting it so they must have thought it was ok, and no one can force them to sack Clarkson.

So was that Russel Brand thing, and they still suspended Mr.Ross..

to be honest I think the people of this country are pathetic. I'm willing to wager that 70% of the people who complained about Russel's show did so just because they saw all the outrage in the mail/sun, furthermore I bet most of them didn't even listen to it.

I'm not even a fan of Russel Brand I just hate the way the media so easily manipulates people, so now the current trend is to be shocked and outrage by every slightly controversial joke uttered out of anyone's mouth.

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Lets face is, Clarkson is known for foaming at the mouth with bullshit when he gets going, if anyone's still taking what he's saying seriously then they're the one with the problem, not Clarkson or the BBC.

If you're going to sleep with Russel Brand, who is known for talking about sex and who he's slept with, then it's her own fault. Why the f**k would you sleep with Russel anyway?! I think she got what she deserved.

Jonathan Ross was just yelling over Brands shoulder like some sort of bully side kick. "I'm going to smash your face in" then Ross leans over his should and says "Yeaaahhh" because he' a total willy and and got caught up in the excitement like a 5 year old boy.


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Jonathan Ross was just yelling over Brands shoulder like some sort of bully side kick. "I'm going to smash your face in" then Ross leans over his should and says "Yeaaahhh" because he' a total willy and and got caught up in the excitement like a 5 year old boy.


Nice Bill Bailey paraphrase ;)

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