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Disk Brake Rotor Perfomance


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Hay you guyth, so today my BB7 caliper decided to snap again, and in the process mangled my rotor. Sweet.

Anywho, have you cats found any difference in performance with differing rotors?

I'm after a 180mm one. Hope Mono Trials ones any good?

I've been using a Hope Gothic rotor for years, and I think the vibration it caused isn't helping.

Any input would be appreciated, and quicksmart 'cos i need to order tonight!

Cheers then.

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Hope floating rotors are amazing with bb7s, so are standard bb7 rotors.


Tempted by the standard Cleansweep, I remember them being pretty good, cheers.

In my experience Hope Mono Trials crack... I'm currently running a Gusset R-Series on my Inspired and it's light but also far chunkier than the Hope ones.

Tempted by this one too Dave, I too have heard of Mono Trials cracking...

You Russians really are nuts arn't you!

I've got a 180mm Hope rotor if you want it. Just PM me.

Thanks for the offer but I'd like it before the weekend.

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Roundagon works better than any rotor with lots of holes in my experience, I presume this is because there is a lot more surface area for the pads. I'm currently running an A2Z rotor with my BB7 on the front. Cheap as you like, reasonably beefy and does it's job perfectly well, however the 203mm version actually measures around 198/199mm, so I had to take some shims out of my post mount adapter.

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Just curious Nick, but just how does one go about snapping a BB7 caliper?

Er... I dunno, I'm just a bit of a hardcore b*****d i think! haha.

My first one snapped at the adaptor at the top and the bottom of the caliper where it mounts to the adaptor. Second one snapped through the bolt hole at the top and sheared off at the bottom.

Both have been the older silver models. Might try a newer one.

Cheers for the roundagon advice Sam (Y)

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I use a hope mono trial rotor and a gusster r series rotor on my 4X bike. The R series is surprisingly storg and light, but the hope actually seemed to increase the power of my brake (if that is possible) I am still very impressed by it. The only problem with them is that they rust easily (the inside of the cutouts on mine rusted straight away and I service my bike after each ride)

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In my experience Hope Mono Trials crack...

That's the old version, the newer ones have fatter arms and non-'triangular' cut outs at the bottom of the rotor surface, they are more rounded and I haven't seen one crack yet :)

Personally I have seen people using Hope Saw rotors on BB7s to really good effect (Ali C the main person I am talking about). Lots of arms so they are stiff, lots of shapes/angles to give good pad cleaning (no glazing over) and still a good amount of surface area for good power.


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That's the old version, the newer ones have fatter arms and non-'triangular' cut outs at the bottom of the rotor surface, they are more rounded and I haven't seen one crack yet :)

Ah cool, I stand corrected (Y). I did have a look on the site and thought they looked different to the ones I'm running on the Monty. That'll be why!

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