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Chain Reacton Cycles

adam trials

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Flood, sale? What?

I've not got the email yet, they always send me the newsletter so maybe it'll come later.

I had a look, £55 for a King headset. Then i looked a little closer, 1" only (N)

I just read:

Back in August 2008 we suffered the unfortunate event of having one of our warehouses flooded when a local river burst its banks. Over a period of 24hrs rising water levels and damp conditions affected several thousand of our stock lines, but due to the dedicated effort of all the staff at ChainReactionCycles.com we were able to remove all the damaged items from the building and were back up to our regular efficient levels of service within just a few days.

The great news is that since then we have been sorting, cleaning and re-packaging all of the stock items that were affected and can now offer them for sale with BIG BIG DISCOUNTS. Most of the products on offer have simply had the outer packaging and instructions destroyed and at worst wont have suffered anything more than would happen on your first wet winter ride.

Here's the main link to look at all the discounted stuff. Seems like there's a few goodies actually.

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Unless I'm missing something - or being completely stupid...


Flood damaged one is £12, whereas the normal one (same size) is reduced to £9.99 :S

Nope , its correct!

The local river has healing properties from its source, hence the higher price.

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Nope , its correct!

The local river has healing properties from its source, hence the higher price.

haha made me lol

maybe they just got all the flood damaged stuff and took a standard % off the original price, or sort of decided how much depending ont he damage and wacked it on their website, not even looking at the the other prices for the product.... ooops

either way, thats jus stupid

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