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What The Strongest Chain.

Jordan GU

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I'm not gonna tell you about the time i snapped a kmc within 3 hours and repeatedly snapped it for 2 weeks until i got a KHE. :P

It was one of the silver-black-silver-black ones though rather than the all silver. I talked to donnovan about it too and he said the kmc's with intermittent black links are a bit snap happy. The all silver ones are fine though.

yeah, buy the silver one, not the silver/black one which is shit a feck

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how long have u had it? any stiff links or anything?

please say if it gets stiff links after like month, cus im tempted lol

jus odnt wana waste 26 quid

Had mine for 4 months and its a beast, its so strong, no stiff links etc well worth it (Y) , might be bigger and heavy but you cant tell when your ridin.

Dont care to think how many chains i've snapped Knc this kool that this one lasted the longest.

Is thick chain but it works and fits sweet.

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The KMC kool is okay for a fairly lightweight solution, though i'd go for a KHE collapse personally as they've always lasted me a fair amount longer. I've heard mixed things about the gusset tank, but having not used one myself i can't give a valid comment.

Go for a KHE unless your under 11 stone or a complete weight weenie, in which case go for a KMC kool (all silver version)

im 12 and half stone, not exactly a weak rider.. (8ft flat gaps etc)

KMC cool chains are ok well I snap 1 a year but they do go through some stick, and yeah the KHE collapse ones are good aswell! I think the more you spend the stronger the chain will be but its up to you mate

i wouldnt trust any chain after 6 months..........

na im just a harder rider then you obv, bit of a tgs fag...

puts alot of pressure throught the chain....

and the links pretty much always snapped in the middle aswel... weak shiit unless your smooth or dont do very big stuff...

and the stiff link thing, bet the worst were the black chains, theyre awefull for stiff links.... i guess the pain jus causes it or something but i always get the silver ones now and if they go stiff... a bit of tf2 and theyre fine lol and iv had like a million of these chains so i ddnt just get a good one or summit lol

yea when i swapped my stock for a mod, it came with a half link... and a really good expensive one apparently....

last the whole half a day, then snapped (Y) theyre amazing

he's probably a lot better than you..... and if you met him, you wouldnt call him weak at all...

i love way how someone types stuff out of a forum mainly consisting 13-15 year olds, people determind how good and certain stuff you are :S

its more of a case of i cba to take the time to type stuff out with care when most of the people on here wont even listen to the advice i give...

and considering iv had 3 years experience as a bike mechanic im pretty sure i can fit chains fine, and as i stated they snap in middle of the link so its nothing to do with the fitting :S

the simple fact is, kmc's are crap compared to khe's... the end. this topic is about the STRONGEST chain.... not what chain you use and havnt snapped yet, cus to be honest when i was smooth and not doing very big stuff i never snapped chains.

every rider i know that got to the stage where they start to snap kmc's easily started using khe's... and they snaplike harrrddlllyyy ever!

as in the bmx make, is so then thats is what it was, and it snapped where it sort of bends in to fit into the next link...

i've snapped a khe, but not a kmc. you must be a doing something wrong.

the wipperman chain.... weighs nearly a kilo if anyones wondering ;)

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im 12 and half stone, not exactly a weak rider.. (8ft flat gaps etc)

There's a huge difference between riding strength and being light on components. I'm 16 stone and managed to ride a broken profile easily for the 10 minute go i had on it. The guy who owned the bike took it back and couldn't peddle kick once without it skipping/snapping and he's a lot lighter.

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