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Sam Jones

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Can people suggest a good charity please to donate some money too as meand my mates at school aredoing stupid things for a week for a charity. Not sure which one though so can people suggest some please. we are donating to two charitys. One charity is Great Ormand Street Hospital and need help on another. Our idea'sare as follows:

Today we did: Fancy Dress/Drag

Tuesday:Leg Waxing and throw a sponge at a teacher

Wednesday: Teachers vs Student Bleep test and non school uniformday.

Thursday: Huge Cake Sale.

Friday: Pyjama Day. Alsoafter school Yr 13 (my year) vs. Teachers footy game.

Also we are allowed to go into town everyday for an hour to 'shake a bucket'

All we need now is another charity to donate too. If we make £500 the school is going to double the amount made.

Cheers for any help.

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Most people choose charity's because of family or friends being seriously ill or because they died from something. That way it makes what you're doing have a lot more meaning.

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one charitymy friends have suggested is the Swaziland Trust which helps build schools in Swaziland. Most of my friends helped them out whilst doing World Challenge. But were keeping the options open. Im just not sure about what other charity to donate too. And Ash,Nice try!

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Right, its difficult to word this without sounding like a horrible person...Its fair enough going for the big charities (ie. Cancer research) and I know some people have been really affected by this, my friend has no kidney which is why made my suggestion - although I'll be doing charity work for that in March.

Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that for 'smaller' amounts of money (ie. £500) its probably better off going to a local hospital, perhaps the childrens ward, where it'll make a bigger impact.

I recommend getting in touch with a local hospital and asking the nurse where it would make the biggest difference - plus you'll get to visit the place and see what you're doing it all for.

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After the treatment I was given by the serious injury I sustained on my bike, I usually tend to donate to Great Ormond Street Hospital, but then again everyone has their own opinion/personal insight into which charity they donate to.

Maybe an idea would be to pick out a charity that could help or could have helped someone you know, okay the money raised isn't going to benefit that person directly, but if you had a tough time coping with someone's trauma, then donating to that charity may stop families in the same situation going through the same ordeal.

At the end of the day, its your fundraising, so its your descision as to which charity.

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Great Ormond Street, they must get twice the amount of charity money compared to the next biggest children's hospital. They've probably got enough. What about a local hospice? Or someone like MacMillan Cancer Care? They need loads of money just to stay afloat.

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I give money monthly to both UNICEF and Riders for Health as they both seem to do a lot of good for people who have very little. However I know a lot of people don't like sending money to charities outside of the UK in which case I'd go for something like RNLI or the local air rescue service.

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As people have said its nice to donate to the smaller organisations who cant depend on corporate advertising to help them raise money.

I now donate monthly to Macmillan, as they helped me get through my cancer treatment, and were really great. Its a nice way of saying thank you and repaying them for the work they did to help me.

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