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For Sale Forum Idea.


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Why not have a sort of ban for anyone to sell stuff unless they have posted say more than 200 times? or maybe even more? anyone who post's that much is usually a more reconised member, and itll stop wankers from NMC cumming in and bumping people after being validated for a day.

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Why not have a sort of ban for anyone to sell stuff unless they have posted say more than 200 times? or maybe even more? anyone who post's that much is usually a more reconised member, and itll stop wankers from NMC cumming in and bumping people after being validated for a day.

Good idea, I'd back that.

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I think a smaller minimum post limit with a time limit would work. So for example 50 posts and 3 weeks before you're allowed to post things for sale. Most people that join forums just to sell stuff do it straight away so that would sort that out at least. The 50 posts would show that they're taking it seriously too.

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Theres the issue of creating spam though. if someone has to wait 3 weeks and have a certain amount of posts before they can access the classifieds section then theres a high chance they'll wait until day 20 and then spam the forum with posts about anything and everything and bumping topics from way back just because they need the post count.

Its a nice idea in theory, but in reality the spam that gets created as a result is actually rather irritating and has been enough to force away longer standing members from other forums i've used.

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Theres the issue of creating spam though. if someone has to wait 3 weeks and have a certain amount of posts before they can access the classifieds section then theres a high chance they'll wait until day 20 and then spam the forum with posts about anything and everything and bumping topics from way back just because they need the post count.

Its a nice idea in theory, but in reality the spam that gets created as a result is actually rather irritating and has been enough to force away longer standing members from other forums i've used.

if they spam ban hammer them.

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Theres a similar system on BMX-Forum.com and Skateperception.com, BF is 30 posts and 3 days membership, SP is 500 posts, it used to be 100 but too many people were still scamming.

It's a good idea, but would be hard to get it to work properly, as Kris said, people would spam.

Edited by Mark King
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yea, but how does it work, make it 100 posts including chit chat, and any tom, dick, harry or glen would be able to sell in there in a day or two, and would be fairly unnoticed on the forum (nice picture like the composition, owww just come off bmx and split me shin, and yay mum bought me a 4 pack of stella, and "when can i post in the for sale section") and hed be 1/25 of the way there in like 2 minutes, reckon i could make 100 posts in an hour, without anyone taking too much notice of me.

you put it to not count in chit chat, and i bet you i havent made 100 posts in the last year outside of chit chat. yet im sure dave would trust me to send out something i sold to him, wouldnt you? (whether hed trust me for 5 minutes with his girlfriend i doubt)

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To be fair there's never really been many cases of scamming* on TF. The main problems happen when people just don't get round to posting things until 3 weeks down the road. It's easy to keep putting it off because the buyer can't really do much about it. But that isn't scamming.

The best way to go about it would be to have additional info taken before you can go into the classifieds section and have home numbers taken, but that'll be too much work for the admins.

If people would just get home numbers though it wouldn't be a problem.

Also, can new members view the classifieds section? If so it should be made so they can't.

*I think the word scammer shouldn't be used to describe the blacklisted traders. They aren't scammers, just assholes when it comes to trading.

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new members should have a tab under thier posts so they can have individual posts flagged for spamming? if a post got more than 10 flags [to prevent a member just picking on newbs] it wouldn't be ocunted towards their post count, similarly good posts should have more sway so if they make a good thread it can be flagged up + membership ahoy...

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To be fair there's never really been many cases of scamming* on TF.

This is a good point. If you go on other forums, people will join up with fake names, offer some things for sale and then simply disappear with the money (I know, it happened to me (N) ).

The people who scam on here are just 15 year old knobs who are either too lazy to post stuff off, or they think they can get away with taking people's money. I don't really know of any cases on TF where the scammer has simply disappeared, and in most cases they've already been a member for a while.

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Volkszone has a fairly good system. You're not a well known respected member until you donate. Think it's £5, you have access to other parts of the forum etc etc. PLUS; There must be a way of keeping hold of basic contact details on a secure database?

If I'm talking poo, say so please. :P

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To be honest i think this is aload of sh*t, there isn't hardly any scamming done on the forum, most people who have done something like that people know them on here and say something, paying to use ? wtf is up with that, people will hardly use it if thats going to happen, how would people pay ? paypal ? most people on here dont have that.

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How would people pay ? paypal ? most people on here dont have that.

I would have said that most people do actually have paypal. I've had an account since I was 16 and I'm now 21. I don't see why people are too lazy to sign up for it, it takes a matter of minutes and a few days for verification and it makes buying and selling things online about 1000x easier.

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