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Thinking Euro Trip...


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So, tonight I came up with the brilliant idea of going for a trip around Europe next summer with my trials bike. Not going to be pedalling around, I'll be going by train and bring a camera so I can do a big video of it all... :P

Figured Interrail cards are cheap (just over 300 gbp for one month, might be away longer but then that's still like 600 gbp for two months so no biggie) so that's covered. Though, I'm not sure where to go exactly. Figured you guys know the UK scene (obviously, you are the UK scene) and could give me some pointers? The plan is to come by boat from Norway to Newcastle, or just go across the channel from France... The latter is probably more convenient... :)

Figured Newcastle has some good riding. But where to go from there?

Or the alternative, if I land in Dover, where to go?

Pretty much just asking for where I should go in the UK. Where's the best riding at? Where can I find the most friendly people to show me around and drink beer with?

Maybe I should write something about myself so you don't think I'm some maniac. My name is Mårten, I'm from Sweden currently living in Uppsala where I study law at Uni. 21 years old. Other than studying I'm trying to offer Scandinavian trials riders quality parts through my small business Scandinavian Trials. No more info on that since I'm not advertising... Haven't been riding trials for very long, but I've done pretty much every other mtb discipline from full body lycra XC to full face, full on downhill and the odd bmx ride. Not the best rider, but I'm not the worst either. Not a TGS rider, but appreciate it anyway!

If anyone has info on France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Austria etc. that would be most appreciated - going to find the equivalents of TF for those countries as well but figured I might as well ask here too. :)

Oh yeah, I'll probably be starting the trip mid June so I guess I'll be in the UK sometime in July.

If I'll be going. Need to see what's happening with the global economy first - if bad luck strikes I'll be poor by spring and then it's a no go... :(

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Thanks, allright, Aberdeen and Glasgow then. Sounds good. A bit too far up north but it's doable. I'll keep in touch. :)

Glasgow was on my little list of places I thought were good. Aberdeen... wasn't on the list but now it is. Scotland's worth it just for the whisky...

Any more places?

SLB went to Bristol I know (need to talk to him about this whole thing as he did this whole Euro trip thing this summer)... Seems good, worth a visit?


(This could turn out to be great for my English, haven't really used it for a couple of years now... :P)

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Yeah, head to the south for sure ;)

Bristol is a brilliant ride, and definitely needs to go on the list

Plymouth would be worth putting on there if you can too, an isn't too far from Bris to make travelling easy

London would obviously be a good place to visit too

As for colder spots I'm not too sure, though the trials park sounds like it'd be worth the trip - perhaps speak to Ali C or someone local to get the lowdown

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nearest big place to it is manchester

Thanks, figured it would be close to Preston and it was... :)

Though, how the... do you get there? Guess it's out of the question if nobody's feeling like taking me there from Preston or Manchester... Ah, well long time until then... :)

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you more than welcome to stay at mine one weekend! We can hit the Trials park, manchester, and if the weather nice we can go to Blackstone edge (best natural in the uk!....shut it Partz!!).

Awesome Ali! :)

Blackstone... is that where Akrigg's riding in the latest vid? If not, where is that? Wanna go there as it looks great.

This is more and more looking like a UK trip more than euro... Nothing wrong with that though, got the impression from Janson (RIP) that you Brits are really friendly.

Wrote at espace trial asking the French about places to ride. Got a few places perfectly on the way to the UK. Now i need a couple of places in Belgium and Germany and I'am pretty much all set with places to ride. If this is happening, it should be great. :)

Starting mid June, going till mid July.

Places to visit as planned right now:


Stockholm (But of course, first stop, only like 40km though. Friends to ride with. :P)

Gothenburg. (Friends to visit.)









Edinburgh (May have friends to visit)


Manchester (plus the Quarry)

(Oxford, might have some friends to visit)









If not saying friends to visit above it means I'm going there to make new friends. :D

Need to practise my ass off during the winter though if I'm not gonna make a fool out of myself for the whole of Europe. :P

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narr, I am normal, everyone else is weird! I'll tell you what...you could even stay in a nice full bed next door if my house is too messy :rolleyes:

Ali, when you crashed at mine, you couldn't leave my cat alone, that's just odd.

Martin, if you have the time in the UK, Portsmouth is a great riding spot as is Portland. They are both on the south coast.

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Birmingham and Coventry have a lot of riders and are good places to visit both for riding and for bragging rights, and especially if you are going so far north then straight down south it would only be sensible to check out the riding scene in the midlands.

In Wales there is Ogwen (one of, if not the best place in uk for natural), Rhyl, Bangor. These are all north Wales, not too sure about the south though.

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I'm bringing no cat so I guess I'll be safe then?

Poisson: Yeah, as this is more and more looking like a UK-trip why not... Might as well just fly over to the UK directly instead of going by train through Germany, Belgium and France. Though I'd like going to northern France.

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I remember no cat?

It was the NBR comp and there was yourself, Phil W, Sexy Mike, Bucky , Bucky's bird, Waynio and I think 1 or 2 other's. We all slept downstairs and you kept molesting my black cat, lol.

Marten, I'd be up for coming over to europe for like a week, if you fancy doing that after the UK. Maybe we could get some other rider's to come along.

Then you get to ride all the places you wanted.

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If you don't mind a bit or possibly a lot of rain, I could put you up in my house in Limerick in Ireland... Quite a lot of street stuff with a few bits of natural around. done Laoghaire on the East coast of Ireland has some amazing lines on the rocks. Very few trials riders here, mostly a small community of committed riders :)...

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If you don't mind a bit or possibly a lot of rain, I could put you up in my house in Limerick in Ireland... Quite a lot of street stuff with a few bits of natural around. done Laoghaire on the East coast of Ireland has some amazing lines on the rocks. Very few trials riders here, mostly a small community of committed riders :) ...

I'm also close by with alot of decent riding :)should be able to put you up for a night or 2 :)

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Thanks all!

Looking very good!

Nick Manning: Sounds interesting to say the least...

psycholist: Ireland... cool. Definately interesting. My mum and sister went to Ireland a couple of years ago and reported about nice people, wonderful landscape and great whisky. So I'm game, especially if the riding's good! And, btw. I'm from Sweden you know, rain and cold... Typical Swedish summer... :P

Adam Griffin: Sounds good!

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How long are you staying in the Uk? Portsmouth is good, as is reading and oxford.

Euro Trip Heres the link to the euro trip we just did in July/August, It might give you some ideas on where to go. Barcelona Is excellent and there is a very good trials park in Sabadell 20 minutes down the road.

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