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New Job Interview ! - 20 Mins Help ! *i Got The Job !*


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Hi guy's, just got a phone call and my local bike shop are after me working there.

I worked in Cycleworks for 2 years and did really well there. But because they trained me up I don't know what I've missed ?

I've sent them my CV which they are impressed with but I think I've forgotten the basics ?

Can you just give me some quick tips on "bike related" questions they'll probably ask ? Obviously i'm dressed very smart and i've brushed my pegs and all, it's just the Bike nitty gritty that I might have forgot. Mainly techy stuff involved when selling bikes/parts.

I'd breeze through it normally being Mr Cool and all, but I NEED* a job SO* bad otherwise i'm going to loose my flat, so i'm kinda tense !

20 Min's to go before I leave, so please help me !!!

Cheers !

*Words cannot describe how much/serious I mean this !

Edited by Pashley26
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Jarrod, if it's a bike shop interview you WILL know the basics when they ask the questions. Be calm, you'll be fine. They might ask you things like sizing, like "what size wheels should a bike for a 12 year old have?" and stuff like that. But if it's only the basics you've forgotten, they are easily learnt again and you can put that across during the interview.

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Are we talking push bike shop? If so I found it helped to express an interest in all types of bike. It's all well and good saying 'yeah I ride trials and can tell you anything you need to know about stupid bikes with no seats' but it's good to be able to say 'but I've also worked on/used roadie's, fixie's, cross country bikes etc and have an interest in cycling in general'. Knowing a little about strange roadie gear shifters etc can't be a bad thing.

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right cheers guy's !

I know the boss isn't going to be there until 2 so i'm going to leave now to have a quick wander round the shop to gauge there stock and intended market !



Remember to breathe,

And remember I don't just like Trials.


I'm off !!!! You'll be the second to know if I get it. Again, thanks guy's !

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Keep it real, and make everything sound as best you can.

Personally, I wouldnt take advice from this guy.


Personally, i'd go in, make everything fake and do as bad as you can.

To be fair this is Pashley26, if anything it's a massively good idea to try and hide his personality not only when speaking at a job interview, but also when talking to people in general.

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To be fair this is Pashley26, if anything it's a massively good idea to try and hide his personality not only when speaking at a job interview, but also when talking to people in general.

*Return to normal mode.

I got the job :D

Edited by Pashley26
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