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Ben Lazenby Clips

Mat Smith!

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Im sorry if this sounds harsh but that was pretty gash :sick: The song is like someone is getting brutally murdered :S

The riding was good and powerful but there is no variation and is getting a bit repetitive now. Try and get some good lines in for the next vid (Y)

One thing I have to say is that stock suits you more (Y) Mod made you look all cramped.

keep it up though!!! (Y)

Oh and I dont want to spark off any arguments with this post. It is my general oppinion.

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rate everyone cheers for comments so far and yeah its just clips from 2 rides i had on the bike it aint mine its my mates he jst let me borrow it :D making me wanna go back stock again... just have to wait until ive got spendola cos i dnt think the shleeg will spend that much on me >_<. yeah i wasnt expecting owt special editting wise cos i told him jst to throw it together i told mat to use heavy i liked it :) my video dnt like music mute, wasnt enuf variation im so sorry aha 2 rides :- pretty happy with what i did


Edited by ben lazenby
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rofl yeh Ben you penis,do some crazy tricks , stunts , activities AND LINES!

beast riding mate ride soon bled make it leeds not sheff cant afford. Sam X

Rofl LOlzz !!!!!!!1 Sick video Shlleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg,

Mzing riding like bleddd. Musicc was awsome ROfl Lmaoz!!111

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Right, A helpful comment, ( i hope )

theres nothing wrong with you riding, its the music and editing.

well just the songs.

Get rid of the screamo death metal murder songs and noisia, They dont cut it anymore. try looking at ross gardners newer videos, Try and not go the for the noisia and heavy metal. Try and pick something with a beat and something thats abit easier on everyones ears something that you can actually listen to, the death metal always makes your videos dark and horrible. its like the sun never shines where you live.

The riding was good, everyone just has a problem with the music.

Intended as a constructive comment.

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cheers for the 'constructive critisism' but why do you only ever complain about the music being two heavy if its not neil t or damon using it. prope dus ma head in. to be honest i put in music which i like and what i listen to on a day to day basis. ross gardner most likely listens to the tunes that he puts in his video aswell just most of forum likes that its just personal prefference in it i dont change stuff to make the forum happy or toget people to like me im me not gonna change who i am meh therell be haters of me but ahh well im sure i can live with that

much love <3



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cheers for the 'constructive critisism' but why do you only ever complain about the music being two heavy if its not neil t or damon using it. prope dus ma head in. to be honest i put in music which i like and what i listen to on a day to day basis. ross gardner most likely listens to the tunes that he puts in his video aswell just most of forum likes that its just personal prefference in it i dont change stuff to make the forum happy or toget people to like me im me not gonna change who i am meh therell be haters of me but ahh well im sure i can live with that

much love <3



Neil tunnicliffe hasnt used heavy metal for a while.

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