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Ciguena Dropout System...


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My Ciguena frame came today but the Special ciguena design dropouts are broken >_<

Basically my question to you is to you, is it possible to just use ordinary snail cams (Monty in fact) apposed to the ciguena system ?

The slot in the drop outs is the same size as other frames, just i can't think of which of the 6 holes to put the Bolt on :(

Might be a stupid question, meh.

I do have a pic i drew on paint but it won't upload :(

Thanks in advance for any replies :)

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Get some real pics Adam? I've got no idea what you're on about, but if you want I'll see if I can make you up some replacements as long as you pay for postage.

I spoke to BT and they said they can provide me with some replacements it's just i'd like to run some snail cams for the time being :P

Thanks for the offer though :)

If i send you a pic over msn, could you just whack it up for me ? Won't let me upload on here for some reason :(

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I can't log into MSN at the moment, I've just got my computer back together and it won't install. :(

If there are holes for some bolts to stick out of, it can probably be done, although you'd probably be better off with some Try-All cams, they have a wider range of adjustment than Montys.

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Axel sits here




The O's are the holes, i'll whack some pics up in the morning, Computer leads buried in my draws next to where Sams sleeping and she'll kill me if i wake her Up :P

But thats basically what it looks like (Although a lot more detailed :P )

Although I'm assuming it wouldn't work if i was to stick the bolts in those holes ?

Don't want to drill another either, It would be a crime to drill this beauty :wub:

Don't want to buy new cams either really, it;s not too much of an issue as if it won't work, i'll just get the Ciguena ones just i'd prefer to use cams.

Edited by â„¢Adam-Griffinâ„¢
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which part of them broke? was it the small flange that pulls on the axle when you tighten it up? if so mine broke too. what i ended up having to do is have the tugs pulling on the bolt/quick release just so you can find the write tension. but what you find is when you tighten up the bolts/qr the wheel will move slightly from where you originally had it. it takes a bit of trial (haha) and error to get it right but it is possible

its a really good idea but poorly made. that flange should have been alot thicker or made out of steel instead of aluminium. if you use bmx tugs i think it might pull on the bolts/qr too unless you can find some pull directly on the axle. i sold my ciquena to revolver. he might have changed the tugs if you can get any sense out of him.

hope you get it sorted.


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which part of them broke? was it the small flange that pulls on the axle when you tighten it up? if so mine broke too. what i ended up having to do is have the tugs pulling on the bolt/quick release just so you can find the write tension. but what you find is when you tighten up the bolts/qr the wheel will move slightly from where you originally had it. it takes a bit of trial (haha) and error to get it right but it is possible

its a really good idea but poorly made. that flange should have been alot thicker or made out of steel instead of aluminium. if you use bmx tugs i think it might pull on the bolts/qr too unless you can find some pull directly on the axle. i sold my ciquena to revolver. he might have changed the tugs if you can get any sense out of him.

hope you get it sorted.


Hehe, they're not very good, are they?

On yours/mine, the gear hanger bit was flat, and at a later date the little end bit broke. I had to swap as couple of the parts over between them, so I've still got one intact.

I use a modified star-shaped chain tug on the other side, which does the trick. You can fit a chain tug there.

When I think about it, the remaining ciguena one seems to come loose quicker than the other one. Maybe I'll put some threadlocker on it.

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Oooh, get me a sticker set too, in white. Mine's only got a couple of the stickers on it :(

Remember to get me some tensioners too!

That IS the reason I play you at jippii golf, after all.

I knew you were just using me :

Muel, would you still be up for making a replacement set it if all falls through ? Obviously I'd re-reimburse you for your time and effort :wub:

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