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Need Help Please - Asap


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Right basically I have just sold my mbk - the money/bike has all been successfully reached at both ends.

However, when received I was told that the bike had a untrue wheel, before sending the bike I had the wheels trued in a bike shop costing me 20 for both. However the buyer has taken it into a bike shop been told that the rear wheel was 4-mm out, and the front 2-mm from true. This has cost him another £40, i said out of the goodness of my heart I would pay for one of the wheels to be trued.

Today I received a package with BB, Pedals, and a bill. The bottom bracket is less than 6 months old, I have tried it in my other frame and its fine :S I don't see what the problem is, the pedals have slight movement but again nothing NONE rideable. The bill was for £77 :S

2 x Wheel true £40

1 x BB £17

1 x fitting of bb £20

Just wondering were i stand :S I mean this was a second hand bike, before sending I rode it myself and nothing was wrong :S It felt fine. Just wondering what peoples opinions are ?


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Tell him to f**k right off. You have sold the bike with a true description, do you still have any sort of reciept from the wheels being trued?

What next, billing you 50p for pumping the tires up at the garage? I'd retain all the bills/items he sends you and just keep quiet or explain that you sold the bike as seen with a true description and that you can't be held responsible for every minor problem.

Out of interest, how much did you sell it for? I rather this guy is probably expecting too much for his money.

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A random guess whats happened here...

Guy has took the bike into the bike shop for the guy to have a look over...

1. Your wheels are out.

2. Your pedals are f**ked - here, have the most expensive ones we have.

3. Your bb is f**ked - here, have the most expensive one we have.

If by some strange chance the wheels were trued at the same place he bought the parts?

The only reason I think this is because he's paid £20 for BB fitting (the tool is about £8?) so this guy knows jack about bikes and have been done over by the shop keeper, now hes just passing his stupidness over to you.

Edited by anzo
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3 Simple Words that Should have Been Used at the Sale


As long as you havent promised a Mint brand new Bike then They have no leg to stand on.

Personly I would keep the BB and Pedals out of principal. If they are going to take the Piss and send them Back expecting to Get a free replacement after buying a 2nd Hand Bike, then They clearly don deserve to Have a BB or pedals.

Anyone who Pays £40 to have 2 wheels trued is a complete f**king Mug. Even you Paying £20 to Have them done have had your pants pulled down.

4mm Movement could be taken up in 1, maybe 2 spokes. f**ked If I would pay someone £20 to turn 2 spokes slightly.

Dont let someone Take advantage of good Nature. You seem to have been reasonable about it and Offered a Solution.

To Which the Buyer has completly taken the Piss and Tryed to Tap you up for £77.

My next message to them would along the lines of "Jog on willy, you ain getting Dick" If they are taking the Piss, dont even give them the Curtosy of Helping Pay for Anything

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Regards the pedals and BB:

Make sure your topic asks "if you buy a bike that's 8 months old and £700 and the buyer tells you he'll make sure the bike's in tip top condition - would you except to have to replace the BB and pedals due to excessive wear?"

Just for a bit more information!

Hes a really nice guy so would like to keep it anonymous!

I really cant find a problem with the bb - the pedals DO have a slight wobble but nothing MAJOR

ive said i will pay £20 for the wheel - so I don't intend to go back on my word - just abut pissed off its nearly gone up by 4x in price

Edited by BenLeacock™
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Just for a bit more information!

Hes a really nice guy so would like to keep it anonymous!

I really cant find a problem with the bb - the pedals DO have a slight wobble but nothing MAJOR

ive said i will pay £20 for the wheel - so I don't intend to go back on my word - just abut pissed off its nearly gone up by 4x in price

Just tell him then !

Say, "look theres f**k all wrong with them. Heres 20 squids now fcuk off you cnut."

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There wouldnt be any wear in any of those components, they're both bearing based.

Ask him whats wrong with the bb and tell him to just tighten up his pedals.

Also bike shops are crap-just trying to mug the other kid off.

Edited by kcchan
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Im sure ive seen this bike, and it looked so mint.

to be honest this blokes being abit of a cuckin funt.

Im with what anzo said, he's probably taken it to his bike shop and asked for a service and they 'think' they've found something wrong with some parts and seeing as this bloke seems to know nothing about bikes they've taken him for a ride and charged him for more expensive parts and hes now trying to take you for a ride.

Just send the stuff back and completey ignore it, itl go away.

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2 x Wheel true £40

1 x fitting of bb £20

I dunno who is bike mechanic is, but I advise him to learn how to use a set of f**king tools and stop passing the blame onto you.

At the end of the day, it's a second hand bike, I sold a set of cranks last week which worked fine for me for months, now the threads are stripped, it's not my fault at all, because they worked for me.

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