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Reece Hearn By Charlie Jennings


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dent realise you put these up lol! that ditch is like bar height is, really hard to show the height of it due to it being mud :P

charlie did well with these photos, shame people cant get over the fact charlie took them....

cheers for posting matt

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Lighting (Y)

Angles (N)

EDIT: May as well be a bit more descriptive - with stuff like trials, there's no point in showing what someone's doing without a context, so if you're just composing it so you've got someone crouching on a bike, it doesn't really tell you much. Same as with this:


It's impossible to know what the rider's doing, where they've come from, where they're going, etc. Same as in these. So yeah, like I said, the lighting's pretty nice in them but the cropping (400Ds aren't MF, even if you crop them square ;)) and angles themselves aren't really doing the photos any favours.

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Good lad Reece, pics are looking really good (Y)

Ride Sunday?

i would do but ive sent my frame back to trials uk becuase of the fault on the chainstay.

will be able to ride in about a week i guess.

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I'll pass that onto to him Mark, thats really valuable criticism, glad to see someone saw past the idiot that is Charlie.

lol i tell him to change to better angles all the time, then when he finally shows us the pictures, he cuts out the take offs/landings etc in photoshop anyway :S

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