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Coust + Echo


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Yeah i got my echo brake all nice and set up and it feels pretty good.

I just got a couple questions.

The way i have the brake set up the pads ar about 2-3mm from the rim with just a couple turns of the tpa for feel, should i use the tpa at all or will it screw it up?

Im using a control 4 bolt booster with a czar frame, should i keep using the booster or is it too much??

Also i have the coust green pads, ive used them for only like one little ride but i notice they arent very loud like the brakes i hear in the videos of gilles and aurelien, do they need to wear in a bit first or do i not have them set up right, they arent towed in and hit the rim right near the bottom edge (away from the tire). They work ok now, the hold isnt all there but i figure after they bed in theyll get a little louder or will i have quiet brakes forever, either option is cool i just wanna make sure im not Fing anything up.

Cheers boys,


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dont use tpa, set your brake up without it. tpa is for when your pads wear down a lot on a ride...

and you dont really need a booster, not going to do much but quieten your brake and give it a bit more hold, not worth it imo

are you using cnc backings with the cousts?

they are a lot louder and bitier with cnc backings...

Edited by Grant-Hundley
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are you using cnc backings with the cousts?

they are a lot louder and bitier with cnc backings...

wouldn't go that far cnc backings are expensive and my m8 has some, theyre pants, plastic backings are easy and 9/10 pads come with them

cnc backings make your brake feel stiffer and do make your brake bitier...

must be your mates set up

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yeah like my set up is still pretty new i havent gone really riding so im not sure what its gonna be like for ups and stuff but it just feels like the powers not all there.

Could be that im using a booster, or that the pads havent broken in yet because from what ive read the set up is perfect.

I mean i use one turn of the TPA to get the feel i want but other then that the pad hit square with no toe in and at the same time pretty my down to the angstrom so with any luck theyll get better.

Ohh and yes im using the power backings, i dont want to use CNCs because they void the warrenty and i know with my luck ill need to use that right lol.

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kk yeah u took off my booster the otherday and set up the pads mostly right and rode around the basement and the brakes sound a little louder but not really. I did notice it was a little bittier. I assume the hold will increase aswell as they werent amazing before.

Will the brake get louder as i ride it or is this it?

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What grind have you got on the cousts? Im running cnc vee coustsinks on the front with the lightest possible grind and its very, very good - bite, noise and hold are incredible. On the same rim but smooth it would squeal a little but not honk or have the same bite.

Bigman ground the rim, we took the tyre off and put the wheel back in the forks with the bike upside down. Spun the wheel quickly and touched the grinder on at a really shallow angle for perhaps 2 seconds and that was it - perfect front brake; bite, hold and still some modulation :)

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