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well am trying to use the lasso tool but every time i do it it comes up with

"Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected The selections edges will not be visible"

:S what does it meen

and how i i get it to let me use the lasso tool ?

HELP!!! please



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My disc calipers wobbly, do I just need to tigten the bolts or should I realign it or summing?


chances are you have still got a layer selected. in the right hand bottom corner there will be a thingy with 'background, layer 1, layer 2 etc'. you need to have BACKGROUND selected.....

I'm guessing this is why it isnt working, its happened with me before, i hope this helps.

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I get that if I try and select a line of pixels. You need to make the space you're lassoing at least 1 pixel wide, hence, ' no pixels are more than 50% selected '

but how do i make it 1pixel wide :S

chances are you have still got a layer selected. in the right hand bottom corner there will be a thingy with 'background, layer 1, layer 2 etc'. you need to have BACKGROUND selected.....

I'm guessing this is why it isnt working, its happened with me before, i hope this helps.

and nope i have it on bg layer

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Don't just draw a straight line with the lasso. That won't work.

If you want a straight rectangle, use the rectangle marquee tool.

You must draw some form of circle with the lasso, or at least a bent line.

i am doing :S am trying to go round a flower

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Yes, its the one that sort of sticks to certain pixels..

It's ok

sometimes you have to mess with the tolerance to get it to work better. Even so, Pen tool ***, it's on CS2 and CS3, and i have CS2 at home, so I never use magic lasso really.

ive got it but never use it, ANY cutting out i do i used the pen tool theres just no point in using anything else.

cant wait to get my 40d

cutting out at 100% with only 6MP is a nightmere

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Haha, cameras, getting out of my depth. I wouldn't mind good camera, lol

Pen tool is so much better because it gets areally crisp cut, and you can also correct your mistakes with it.

Alt or Shift + Click = mistakes sorted if you use the lasso tools though?

Like Dave said, the new magic lasso tool on CS3 is The f**king Bomb. For doing big, quick selections it's pretty sweet, and a pretty fast way of doing it (Y)

Isn't there a photoshop thread ?

Yeah there was....but there was like 3 posts in it

Sorry ! Resume play

It was also about something completely different, if you mean the thread I think you do. :lol::angry::ermm::rolleyes::D:(:angry:

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