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Trials Training

J Trials 31

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I go riding :)

Bike weighs a tonne compared to what most people are riding nowerdays though so is abit of a workout :S

The more you ride the stonger and more flexable you will get and the better your stamina will be, perhaps try adding some supliments to your diet or try pre-workout drinks to give you energy bursts? Also riding natural really helps with getting stronger!

Probly not the answer your looking for, hopefully someone like Damon Watson will reply to this because i'm sure he does some gym work :)

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explosive squats.... explosive squats with weights...

remember when you do something like a sidehop... your just jumping... it all comes from your legs, your upper body jus helps get the tuck and level the bike off...

i just wear a heavy rucksak and jump up my stairs, started doin like 3/4 steps with weight, now i can do like 5/6 lol


and when you go ride, dont just do a sidehop... make it... then end

keep doing it, like a workout, till your too tired... then move onto the next thing.. e.g tap's,,, then up to fronts, then back to sidehops.

when i ride like this for a while i improve like hell! but the thing is i cba most of the time... especialy when i ride with other people.. we jus have a laugh and take yonks to improve lol

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Other than riding, some sort of circut training will help with both stamina and strenghth, i would definately say no to supps there a waste of money just eat pleanty of good food, seriously ive done bodybuilding on and off for 10 years and supps are a huge waste of money nothing beats real food ( unless your an idiot and do steroids ) eat well and drink an energy drink before you ride thats all you need..

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im not too sure what the obsession with stamina is... well, for natty i can, and comps... but for street where your doing a move every errrm min or 2, unless you do a lil line theres no need for it... not like you gapping along 50 rails or something. :S

you just want as much fast twitch muscle fibre as possible, so you have explosive movements... if you want height and distance then thats what you need.

which needs a workout of like 10/15 reps of something. i tend to do chin ups with weight, hold your self up in chin possition the like keep your legs strait and lift em up as high as you can lol i find it better then sit ups cus your like whole body is working.

the stair jumping i was on about, just explosive squats and grip builders, (the things you squeeze) and yes they do work, cus i started on well easy ones which i did find hard and now iv got the hardest ones from our local sports/boxing shop. lol

you dont want to get massive, just so that you can move your weight easy. and fast

eggs milk bananas meat

Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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Hey jordan .....a healthy diet and the right work out is the best way to go.....plenty of greens /fruit/meats and pastas (Y) 3 out of 7 days at a gym .......and 1 days running :) and the odd session of swimming is what i do...

its working for me pretty well

Ride your bike as much as you can

the rest will follow

Dave x

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for trials the best thing to do is squats, about 80% of your jumping power comes from thighs, squats also make your balance better and it trains your lower back and a lot more muscles in your body. you can start with 3 sets 10 reps

deadlifts are also good for trials because you use your lower back in most of trials moves (gaps, taps, pedal ups etc.)

hamstrings are also important

im doing this at first you can help with your hands and later you can even add some weights

and do something for your calves like calf raises on one leg

you also need to eat healthy food and A LOT, im eating 4-6 meals every day + some smaller meals and snacks. drink water instead of soda and dont drink much juices its better to eat fruits than drink their sugar

3x10 squats

2x6 deadlifts

3x10 glute ham raise

3x20 calf raise (per leg)

(70-90% of max weight is the best to improve strenght)

dont train too much 2x a week is enough with 2 days of rest between workouts

with 2 weeks you will notice extra centimeters in your sidehops ;)

oh and change your workouts after about 3 weeks because when your body gets used to it you wont get any better, its the same with heavy bikes it works at first but later it will only have negative effect

good luck!

edit: i forgot to add that plyometrics are also useful, im doing some plyometric excersises before weight training

Edited by tmks88
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i went to the gym t'other day after college...and my arms was fookt :P

decided to go out for a quick spin and i really noticed how much i rely on my arms to pull me up when sidehopping, and since my arms were dead, i really had to jump and kick with my legs alot more- definitely scope there for getting my technique to use my legs more and getting more height...


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Thanks, tmks88. Really good stuff there. Gonna try out alot of these suggestions.

no problem!

just dont get too greedy and overtrain

i did it once and lost 1,5kg of bodyweight and about 10% of my power

10% power loss = 10% jumping loss

i got it back with about a week, first had a rest for a few days and did 1 week of easy training

recovery is the key!

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no problem!

just dont get too greedy and overtrain

i did it once and lost 1,5kg of bodyweight and about 10% of my power

10% power loss = 10% jumping loss

i got it back with about a week, first had a rest for a few days and did 1 week of easy training

recovery is the key!

Don't worry. I definitely won't overtrain. Have done that before. That's why I was asking this stuff. Cause it seemed to me I couldn't ride at all sometimes after working out. Oh, and thanks Dave for the good advice! (Y) Wish there was a pool around I could train in, that is one of my favorite training things. Running is my worst! (N) But we still gotta do it.

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