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Apple Or Pc?


Apple or PC?  

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  1. 1. Do you use Apple or PC?

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But people associate white with clean, and that's the image Apple is going for, clean, simple, usable computers, which is what I think they are.

That was the case when they first started doing it but for the past couple of years everything under the sun (usually random cheap rubbish from China) has come in white plastic feeding off the apple image, making it seem cheap and tacky now. Sounds like they're about to change that though with the eagerly anticipated launch on Tuesday... :-

Which I guess is another thing that differentiates apple users with everyone else... apple lovers are the only people I know who know and get excited about new product launches weeks in advance (edit: I guess that's not the case- PS3 launch and anything starwars related gets similar reactions I guess but see the final sentence). I didn't know, didn't and still don't care that the new macs are out on Tuesday as I don't care when Dell release their new range of PC's. I guess that's just down to geekiness (in the nicest possible way!)

Word ! There never content to stay in there nerdy boxes are they ? :P


Pretty sure that doesn't make sense. Or maybe it's just over my head.

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That was the case when they first started doing it but for the past couple of years everything under the sun (usually random cheap rubbish from China) has come in white plastic feeding off the apple image, making it seem cheap and tacky now. Sounds like they're about to change that though with the eagerly anticipated launch on Tuesday... :-

Which I guess is another thing that differentiates apple users with everyone else... apple lovers are the only people I know who know and get excited about new product launches weeks in advance (edit: I guess that's not the case- PS3 launch and anything starwars related gets similar reactions I guess but see the final sentence). I didn't know, didn't and still don't care that the new macs are out on Tuesday as I don't care when Dell release their new range of PC's. I guess that's just down to geekiness (in the nicest possible way!)

Yeah i know, to be honest i don't think many people get excited about the dell range :P

I will admit to get excited/intrigued when new hardware comes out though, but then i think i like seeing how new technology pushes the boundaries of games and things. Take the new nvidia cards, they're pretty quick, so hopefully we'll have some nice shiny new games with graphics like crysis to play them on soon.

I'd rather get excited about a new computer, or camera, or a new bike frame, than excited about a football match or something similar, not saying that you do, but thats just how i feel.

Ha ha, yeah. Bunch of guys running around kicking a ball is good for nothing but an excuse to get a few beers in down the pub with my mates.

Did i also read somewhere in this topic you tried out hacintosh? I was pondering on giving it a go for using final cut pro, but obviously having limited resources and just upgraded the pc a bit its more financially viable for me to bend some EULA rules. Any good?

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I will admit to get excited/intrigued when new hardware comes out though, but then i think i like seeing how new technology pushes the boundaries of games and things. Take the new nvidia cards, they're pretty quick, so hopefully we'll have some nice shiny new games with graphics like crysis to play them on soon.

Did i also read somewhere in this topic you tried out hacintosh? I was pondering on giving it a go for using final cut pro, but obviously having limited resources and just upgraded the pc a bit its more financially viable for me to bend some EULA rules. Any good?

Word on the street is Apple are about to start using Nvidia cards.

Nah I didn't try it out, but I may, theres shit loads of documentation about, so might be worth checking it out, especially as you can now get hold of super simple installation DVDs with all the drivers built in.

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Word on the street is Apple are about to start using Nvidia cards.

Nah I didn't try it out, but I may, theres shit loads of documentation about, so might be worth checking it out, especially as you can now get hold of super simple installation DVDs with all the drivers built in.

Had a quick look, seem to have found something along those lines from one of those kind of places on the net. 2.6gb should be done in about an hour or so. I'll have a look at it and see how it goes.

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Read through the comments on said article? They pretty much sum up what i would say so go have a read. The review got equally expensive windows based vendors and compared them. It also didn't take into account windows machines having low prices and sales to compete with each other, something apple just doesn't do. It was a very poor and biased article designed to make the apples look better.

I don't think it was a poor article. It was an article on a PC-based tech site talking about Apple. It was bound to be subject to a lot of criticism. The point is not that you can't built a PC for cheaper - of course you can. The point was to dispel the myths that "you pay twice as much for a white plastic computer". That's simply not true, whichever way you slice it. Fair enough, the guy writing the review has chosen some 'premium' PC manufacturers for comparison but why not? Apple hardware is very well-made. Obviously the article would never convince the PC boys who read tomshardware that the premium is worth paying, but I think it goes some way to dispelling the myth.

That was the case when they first started doing it but for the past couple of years everything under the sun (usually random cheap rubbish from China) has come in white plastic feeding off the apple image, making it seem cheap and tacky now.

I agree. In fact I never, ever, liked the white plastic look, it's always seemed cheap to me compared to the aluminium cases.

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I don't think it was a poor article. It was an article on a PC-based tech site talking about Apple. It was bound to be subject to a lot of criticism. The point is not that you can't built a PC for cheaper - of course you can. The point was to dispel the myths that "you pay twice as much for a white plastic computer". That's simply not true, whichever way you slice it. Fair enough, the guy writing the review has chosen some 'premium' PC manufacturers for comparison but why not? Apple hardware is very well-made. Obviously the article would never convince the PC boys who read tomshardware that the premium is worth paying, but I think it goes some way to dispelling the myth.

They compared a standard macbook with a laptop that has a carbon fibre lower tray and main chassis section, didn't mention its made of CF then said its evenly matched. They also didn't mention that the DELL machine can have its RAM upgraded for only £30 etc. It was a VERY biased example. They also had side by side graphs of two completely different laptops trying to make the macbook look lighter and nicer. They compared it with a gaming laptop, those things are more like portable mini pc's with replacable SLI'd graphics solutions. Hardly the same as the macbook, then they said the macbook bundles everything into a neater and smaller package. Besides, they weren't comparing which can be built for cheaper by a home user, they were comparing final solutions for laptops by recognised vendors.

It was so skewed its unreal.

What they should have done is gone to pc world etc and picked up two equally priced laptops, one a mac and the other a windows machine and seen what the spec/build quality is like from there. Not get two largely overpriced and very dissimilar machines to compare. f**k it, might as well compare my laptop with a mobile phone, they both go on the internet and display contact lists etc, yet the mobile clearly wins because it does all that in a smaller package.

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Well yes, they could compare a Macbook to an eeePC, and comment on how the Macbook has a better spec, build quality, software package etc. But that would be stupid. The article isn't designed to answer the question of "what cheap PC should I get?" That would be like that Top Gear where JC compares the Ascari A10 to a Daihatsu Materia. At the end of the day, very few people buy a Mac because of the build quality or anything else. They buy it because they want OS X. Both OSs work differently and you'll get things done at different rates using OS X to using Windows. So comparisons of hardware are largely irrelevant anyway, the writer is merely pointing out that they're not as ridiculously-priced as people make out.

Hmmm, I'm sliding dangerously close to the Apple fanboy precipice, defending Apple. The truth is that I like using both PCs and Macs, they both have their merits. I'm just trying to point out that both systems have their merits - something a lot of PC fanboys seem unable to grasp. That's not aimed at you by the way. I wouldn't expect you to ever have a Mac, it just wouldn't be right.

But since it's impossible to argue for Macs without people assuming you're a Mac fanboy, I'm going to leave it there.

:shifty:(Safe in the knowledge that I'm right)

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Well yes, they could compare a Macbook to an eeePC, and comment on how the Macbook has a better spec, build quality, software package etc. But that would be stupid. The article isn't designed to answer the question of "what cheap PC should I get?"

That wasn't what i said, i said get two laptops of EQUAL price, one a mac and one a pc. Then compare them.

I wouldn't expect you to ever have a Mac, it just wouldn't be right.

I have a g4 at my parents house, just i never used it so its in the attic.

I'm looking at installing OSX on my pc and dual booting. I don't mind OSX at all, it has its merits i agree, but at the same time i'm not going to splash out more money for another machine just to run a different OS.

Shall have to keep everyone informed of how project wintosh goes.

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Screen resolution is stuck a size too low for my tft, no sound hardware detected, and the @ and " are the wrong way round.

Everything else is up and running though, ethernet adapter works, graphics card is functioning. Just need to sort out some problems with the boot sequence too.

Might just try iatkos version 4.0 rather than 2.0

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The @ and " are that way round on an Apple keyboard, so that's why they're that way round. (I assume you mean @ is on the 2, and " next to colon)

Dunno about the screen res problem, I've never run it, so I can't really help there.

I was gonna say try running some apps like PS/Illust/etc. but as you're just a gamer I suppose you've no real use for them.

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I've only got photoshop for windows anyway.

Had a look in some boot file and changed the graphics options in there. Now i just have to try and figure out how to get the thing loading without needing the install disk in at startup. I reckon i might have to delete the XP partition.

EDIT: Got the screen resolution problem fixed, and now it boots up to OSX from the boot menu during startup. Looking good so far, now i just need to get sound working. Might try disabling the soundcard in bios and see if it recognises onboard rather than my x-fi.

EDIT 2: Got audio working now through the onboard audio. Seems alright, system is stable and quick with no major problems aside from the @" issue.

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Okay, i've been sat here with it for a while and i'm lost for things to do. I don't know if its because i'm used to windows i'd usually be faffing around with things in it but i'm sat here at the computer just... bored.

What do you mac users do to keep you interested?

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Ha ha, that was actually quite funny.

Is there any specific things that i can do with OSX that i can't in windows? I feel like i've gone to all this trouble and have been rewarded with a childs toy, full of bouncing icons and different colours.

Or am i getting this wrong and have to wait a certain amount of time before i realise how i couldn't have lived without it?

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I've been tempted to buy a mac in the past, as people rave on about them for photo and video editing, but for me and what I do, a PC is essential. 90% of my day is focused around .NET framework, Visual Basic, Java and C++. My PC is a development tool, not an entertainment centre, which is why I dont have a mac.

At the end of the day, people need to realise that we all have our own personal preferences, and we will defend them. I can understand why you like a mac and not a PC, in the same way I hope you can understand why I like a PC and not a mac.

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Ha ha, i think thats definately the most pointless thing i've seen on it so far.

I've got photoshop installed now, and to be honest it seems to run slightly slower, though this could be down to me having OSX and photoshop on an old IDE hard drive rather than my fancy SATA high cache one that i have vista on.

The microsoft messenger is nice and uncluttered which is pretty nice.

The dock is pretty handy too.

I'm starting to see though that there really is no differences between them really, they both run at the same speeds, both have the same functions. I think it really is coming down to a difference of visual features.

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I've been tempted to buy a mac in the past, as people rave on about them for photo and video editing, but for me and what I do, a PC is essential. 90% of my day is focused around .NET framework, Visual Basic, Java and C++. My PC is a development tool, not an entertainment centre, which is why I dont have a mac.

At the end of the day, people need to realise that we all have our own personal preferences, and we will defend them. I can understand why you like a mac and not a PC, in the same way I hope you can understand why I like a PC and not a mac.

I do all my coding for windows on a mac. Great success.

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