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Apple Or Pc?


Apple or PC?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use Apple or PC?

    • Apple
    • PC
    • Both

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PC, mainly because I've never had any serious problems and it runs all the programs that I want it to.

I've had a go with a Mac, it was ok but seems more like a kids computer. PC seems a little more professional which suits my needs.

Macs are more aesthetically pleasing though, there is no doubt about that.

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I have a Mac laptop and a slightly older PC. Therefore my opinion is the only unbiased one, and everyone who disagrees is obviously wrong. I definitely prefer the mac. Macs do have a serious image problem though - everyone thinks mac users are up their own arses. I'm sure some of them are elitish c**ts, but meh. I just prefer it (Y)

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Macs are the sex for every day use. I love the feel and the lay out of everything.

Although, it seems that Mac's are an ongoing expense. You sign up for Apple online stuff then they keep rinsing you, and you can't use/do certain things without it and the applications available are limited.

But you CAN get most things you want for a Mac if your willing to search hard/pay.

It's a shame that the white ones get "stained" from use, because after 6/7 months they look like shit.

I say all this sat on a Vista clad Windows laptop :lol:

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Not counting Linux? My Windows hard drive blew up last week, so I've got a new one coming from my mate at college, the plan is to have two hard drives inside the case, and just swap the ID and power cable when I want to change OSs.

I don't trust myself with Dual Boot. :P

I hate Macs, I've tried using them a few times when I was at sixth form and I just can't get used to them.

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Not counting Linux? My Windows hard drive blew up last week, so I've got a new one coming from my mate at college, the plan is to have two hard drives inside the case, and just swap the ID and power cable when I want to change OSs.

I don't trust myself with Dual Boot. :P

I hate Macs, I've tried using them a few times when I was at sixth form and I just can't get used to them.


Dual boot? It's not hard at all.

Could you really be assed switching cables to move between hard drives?

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Yeh I used to do it before I had to run two hard drives for WIndows.

I've only got IDE Drives. :$

Because of where my computer is, it'll be really easy to swap them over, and it won't be very often anyway, I'll only use Linux to play with.

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This is how it goes: You install Linux for a laugh on a dual boot. You spend ages getting stuff to work like sound, network/wifi, file sharing etc. Then you spend yet more time installing Linux equivalents of Windows apps like GIMP. Then you realise that there's one program you really like on Windows that isn't available for Linux, and that the GIMP is nowhere near as good as Photoshop. You start using your Windows install again, never booting into Linux. Then you just get annoyed by the bootloader always asking you what to boot (Windows or Linux), so you delete Linux.

And then you're back to where you started*, 4 days later and you've acheived nothing.

* Except if the uninstall goes wrong and you end up wiping your MBR or something stupid. Which takes another 4 days to get back to normal.

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Thats the main reason for the separate hard drives, plus I've got a 40gb one here doing nothing.

I'm on Linux now, it's cool.

I'll use Wine to get all my programs sorted out, I've no idea how well it will work though.

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I never thought that i would get this much of a response. :D But still... nice to know that people do like macs. I for one do. In my house there are 4 of us. Each our own mac. 2 of which have windows installed on them aswell. but i just prefere mac. espially as i am not a "gamer" person.

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