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Are You A Comp Rider?


Are you a comp rider?  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Which statement best suits you?

    • Yes, I regularly ride competitions
    • I have ridden a couple
    • No, but i would like to start/try riding competitions
    • No, i have no desire to ride competitions

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To follow up from Mr Bessell's topic regarding competitions, I would be useful to see what proportion of trials forum actually ride competitions.

This requires everyones co-operation, so make sure you vote so that this pole is accurate.

Please also make a comment to justify your choice, especially if you chose any answer but the top one.



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I have done 3 in total now. My first two were back in 2001-2002, and I absolutely hated them. I was at that annoying stage between white and blue, and I really struggled, and because I struggled, I got frustrated and I didnt do any more for years. It kind of put me off them

I then did my first in a long time, last weekend. Instead of trying to do well, I just went for it and have fun, and ... well I did just as badly, but I wasnt so frustrated with myself. I made myself targets to get to certain points in sections, as I knew with my fitness and the weather, I was never going to get through them clean or anything. Its made me look at comps a little differently now, so I'm going to put in the work to improve my fitness, and aim to do the whole season next year.

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  Onzaboymark said:
I've ridden a couple, and have no desire to again.

Distance, cost, shit atmosphere from a lot of people there - no thanks.

I really don't know how you can say that; 99% of the time the atomsphere in comps is great, even when the weather isn't great.

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Been to a few "training" thingys at Thriftwood and it seemed a good laugh, i'd love to give it a go but my steed's not particularly comp-friendly!

What i have seen from the comps i've been a leet spectator at don't seem particularly suited to my kinda style. It all looked pretty serious and competitive whereas i have a tendency to take it easy and piss about :P

Edited by Skoze
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I ride all the ebtc comps, and have done one british round. I dont care if i win or lose because i always have a great day out and a good laugh.

As for obm saying about the atmosphere being crap, in my opinoin your wrong, i always have a good time, maybe you just need to get a bit more involved and talkative....

edit: skoze (matt), if you like playing around then just go round the sections with us lot, serious'nesssss is against the law!

Edited by Bearded Midget
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I used to ride the odd few comps here and there and I'd try to get to the British champs.

I've only done one this year. I'm not really fit enough to bother riding a comp these days, I do a few sections and I'm spannered, the one I done this year I really struggled and half way through the comp I really couldn't carry on and I've never felt like that before really. Just because I know my fitness will effect my riding so much I find theres no point at the moment.

I don't mind traveling the distance, it can be a good laugh at most comps and a decent lil weekend away but when you have to go on your own it can be pretty boring and does end up costing a lot more, so that's half my problem.

I'm also loosing interest in even thinking about competing, most of the time I'd rather bugger off and go out on a Saturday night then just go riding on Sunday near by, that to me is great so if I don't want to compete there's not really anything pushing me to go to comps.

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  Bearded Midget said:
skoze (matt), if you like playing around then just go round the sections with us lot, serious'nesssss is against the law!

Too true

I clicked the top 1 as I have done quite a few (Started back in 05).

Back then I use to take them seriously and want to do well, now it usually involves pissing about.

Much more fun going round in a group and all trying the same route ect.


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  MattB said:
Too true

I clicked the top 1 as I have done quite a few (Started back in 05).

Back then I use to take them seriously and want to do well, now it usually involves pissing about.

Much more fun going round in a group and all trying the same route ect.


cant remember where it was, but it was that place next to the river. i remember a section over the back that we treated like a downhill track, which somehow made us clean the section :P

anyway, il stop clogging up the topic lol

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  walker said:
I really don't know how you can say that; 99% of the time the atomsphere in comps is great, even when the weather isn't great.

of the two I have been to to watch (yes I know that isnt many) (both nationals a few years apart) I would personally have to side with mark.

I really want the comp scene in this country to improve, but for me from the outside they seem a little unorganised, inaccessable (even more so for crowds than riders) and just plain dull. Another downer on the crowd front - I hate to say it but BIU rules just suck. If the comp scene is to get bigger they need to be the first to go.

I would love to be able to go to a trial as spectator and watch a fantastic event. But I will never really compete as it just isnt me.

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I value your opinion, but its easy to say how you want the comp scene to be, but its never going to improve if we don't have enough riders!

I've heard people talking about how trials has grown; but, if anything, its gone downhill.

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  walker said:
I really don't know how you can say that; 99% of the time the atomsphere in comps is great, even when the weather isn't great.

Having people constantly pushing in in front of you when you've been waiting in a queue for over 5 minutes is pretty tedious, especially when you start getting the evils from the rider's parents if you even look like you're going to mention the fact they just pushed in front of you. Being looked down upon by the more 'serious' competitors also gets pretty annoying after you've probably travelled significantly further to get there than them, but paid the same entry fee. Having people trying to stare you out when you're mid section's not a 'great atmosphere' for me either.

The people who were actually fun to be around were the people there having a laugh, the 'Serious business' guys seemed to be part of a clique that no-one else was allowed into. Bearing in mind they seemed to be in the majority, that's how I'd "Say that".

  walker said:
I've heard people talking about how trials has grown; but, if anything, its gone downhill.

The least accessible version of trials is 'going downhill', which isn't especially surprising.

In July, there was a street ride in London that over 100 people turned up to. It was free to ride there, you just had to pay travel costs. There was no pressure to perform. It was insanely easy to get to, as there are several railway stations next to the 'venue' and there was plenty of parking. It was also very well signposted. There was no need to pay an annual membership fee.

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I suppose so, but I don't really think about that side of it too much. It's more of a case of "I enjoy doing this, so I'll do it" rather than thinking about it any more than that.

I added a bit onto my last post as you typed that, btw...

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ive done one or two tyke trials this year and try to do as many as possible, usually i retire though because im not fit enough anymore.

i have to agree in that the atmosphere can be crap at times. And usually its becuase of a few riders who take things wayyyyyy to seriously, i dont mean they take the riding to seriously as its understandable if you want to win. But there attitude outside of the section when waiting ect. When me and friends do the comps, we try in the sections and piss about outside of them and have a laff.

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