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Emotional Last Trial


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We have just got back from the last Biketrial Federation round at Shipley Glen......The trial in itself was a tough one to say the least, hence finishing third, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable day with fantastic weather and more than that the most sincere and fantastic people I could ever hope to meet.

If you don't have a clue what I am harping on about, it was both mine and Robbie's last event in the UK as we are off to Australia on the 21st of October. Trials has played a mahoosive part in our lives since Robbie reached 6 years old. Since then we have been up, down round and round and met some absolutely amazing families and individuals along the way. I think it was brought home to us as a family today at the presentation when I recieved a plaque saying "2008 Over Thirties Champion and good luck "down under"". I found it extremly humbling stood next to my two bezzy mates (Mark Smith a.k.a Miff and Neil Rave'on) on the podium trying to put into words how much I appreciate the friendships we have made through the sport.


I had just about managed to compose myself when all of us, Tara a.k.a. Mrs P, Boo a.k.a rebecca and Rob who you all know and I were asked as a family to stand on the podium to recieve the best award that I could have immagined from a group of true friends . If you were there I am sorrry that I was unable to speak as I was overcome by emotion. I sometimes don't see some of these people from one trial to the next, however the friendships we have forged as a familly has been truely amazing.

I would like to say a huge thanks to all the commitee at Tykes, the Biketrial Federation you know who you all are( Mick, fred and Barbara and George, Neil the Rave Rav ON and many others I can't spell).

I would also like to say thanks to Waynio from Airevalley for helping with Robbie and bike fixing shizzle. Steve from Heatsink for the excellent stoppers over the years.

Fred Savage for noticing Robbie at Hook woods 3 or 4 years ago, I remember your exact words Fred. Both Robbie and I are so very greatfull for all of the help and support over the last few years and it has been an honour to be a part of NSE.

I hope that Tykes and Biketrial Federation can keep on growing and going from strength to strength

I will be keeping my eye on you all and coming back from time to time to whoop some over thirties ass.

Well done Robbie


Thanks to you all, it's been a real blast.

John, Tara, Robbie and Boo. x

P.S. Mick if you ever come out to see us we will go and do some propper off roading I here the sand is better than Blackpool.

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Good luck with life in Austrlia, to all of you. Hopefully you may come back over sometime for a visit and do a trial? show us all how to get up 'the Rock' up at Shipley.

Will deffinatly miss you all at trials, John trying to roll down anything. Ha

Edited by matt rushton
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I was shocked earlier to hear you are leaving us John, you and the rest of the P's will be missed at the trials, a massive personality, can't beleive there won't be the battle between you and Neil next year. you to should enter rhe over 30s class in Japan at the world champs and meet up there to battle again on the world stage!

All the best to you and the family,


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I just want to say farewell to the peacock family especially John & Robbie who we have got to know over the last few years and i hope you stay on the bikes lads and that our paths will cross again, Take Care and good luck in the future.

The Sheridan Family...

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Will be very sad to see you and the rest of the family go mate...................

a great loss to the trials community!


Bloody hell Ash I'm not gonna die I'm only off to OZ, :o:giggle:

Seriously though Thanks to you all for the good wishes. ;)


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Sorry I wasnt there to say goodbye mate and good luck, your a top guy, always a blow to this countrys comp scene when we lose a personality like yours. Good luck to you and all your family, make sure Robbie whoops my arse at the worlds one day...

James Hyland

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If John owes you money you've got 15 days to get it back!! :lol:

What a day Sunday was. Completely knackered from a tough, superb trial and then emotionally drained at the end when I beat John...... I mean when John, Tara, Robbie and Bo said goodbye.

John has been an inspiration to us all and a huge character in the trials scene. Unfortunately we will be losing him but the Aussies need converting to the church of trials - Yorkshire style - and he will no doubt find the biggest stuuupidiest rock in the bush somewhere and challenge all-comers to some Shipley Glen rules, tops off, rock bashing sessions! :P

How our paths never crossed before now John I will never know but I am glad we stumbled (yours would have been a 5, mine a 3) across each other and who knows maybe someday in the near future our paths may yet join again.

It's been a blast and I look forward to the future. (Y)

Remember, it will always roll!

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I Feel as though an explanation is needed regarding the ROCK and Shipley Glen rules, as to some of you it must sound like some strange northern sexual thing that we get up to on long summer evenings. The rock is a yes you've guessed it a large rock up Shipley Glen that Neil, Mark and myself have been running into and trying to scale for about 2 years now. It usually ends up with our shirts off and lots of swearing and cursing and on many occasions it has been dark for our "1 last try for the road".

It has been done by countless people over the years and even Waynio did it on a Monty 205 with 18" wheels, so it's not that big really.

Any way after many many attempts it has finally been done by one of us and again you guessed it......it wasn't bloody me and here is the proof. Not the best picture but i was trying to push him off.


Well done Neil you are a legend.


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You can see the sea from the top of that rock!!! :lol:


3rd National BikeTrial Federation over 30's runner up type person 2008

First up the rock

Farts that strip wall paper

Sponsor: Help The Aged, SAGA

I here that Stannah stair lifts are looking to sponsor some riders for 09.

Good luck with that buddy

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi every one, just a little update

We are sat in Singapore airport at the moment waiting to fly to Brisbane, guess what it is raining but fkuc me it hot !!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the rain and putting your clocks back groovers.

JP x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yo groovers we are here and set up on the net at last.

Rob is doing good, we brought his bike on the plane, he goes down to the local skate park and hangs out with some bmxers, I have no bikes as yet as they havn't landed yet so no riding for me. We have been very very busy so not found a place to ride natty yet. I have only just got the net up and running.

Have i missed owt worth knowing about, any good comps I have missed, anyone taring chunks out of anyone.

take care all, and see you all soon when we get out riding here.

P.S. shit me it is hot 30deg every day and it is not even high summer yet!!!!!!!!!!! B)


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Now then Mr. P. I'm assuming Australian immigration are allowing the over 30's into their country again? Have you increased the average age with your presence?!! :giggle:

You may be basking in 30 deg of heat but we haven't seen the sun for a good week now! B)

Bike Trial wise we had a superb event up at Harden Moor last month with some excellent Andy Boyes set sections along with my own master pieces. We are now looking forward to an equally entertaining event at Dob Park in Otley which is a venue we haven't used for years. You will now no doubt be using your wellies to keep the sheep in place whilst interfering with them in a manly way but the riders at the weekend will need them for the mud!! (Y)

I have continued to ride and will do so until my new tyres are worn out then I might think about sitting a few out, got to get my moneys worth you know. So none of these excuses of your bike being in a boat get yourself out again and make sure that when we come over you have selected a suitably unachievable rock to try and get up!!

Hope Tara and the kids are well and enjoying the sun.


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