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Pride Of Britain?


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I didn't watch it my self but i believe it's about giving appreciation and thanks to people that have made great achievements and shown bravery.

Alot of the awards were given to soldiers and children.

Furry muff. I was curious as I'm always apprehensive about such words as "pride" when they revolve around a nations name label. The suggestion being (seemingly in this case) that we should feel pride about other peoples actions just because they live within the same randomly defined geographical location. Imagine if someone told you, you should feel proud because the man in the street that saved a child from being run over by a car wears the same Levi jeans as you... "Pride of Levi".

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Imagine if someone told you, you should feel proud because the man in the street that saved a child from being run over by a car wears the same Levi jeans as you... "Pride of Levi".

I actually did laugh out loud there.

I'm not entirely comfortable with these kind of events. I can't help but feel that it's just a small blip of intense patronising by a bunch of worthless 'celebs', before they go back to their unjustly 'high-class' lifestyles able to feel less guilty about being, although significantly richer, lesser beings than 'the brave ones'.

I in no way mean to detract from the remarkable lives of those being aplauded, just the manner in which it is done.

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