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I Feel So Crap


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I don't know what it is but i have to tip my hat to most trials riders for some of the stuff you do, i mean i can do some pretty big stuff i'm just too scared of falling off lol. I don't know why because i wear my helmet and like they say "no pain no gain" and i know half the stuff i want to do i probably could it's just having the balls to do it! Is it just me or does anyone get this? E.G. I saw one of them barriers they put on car parks behind shops to stop people parking there and i know i could upto front it or pedal up it but the thought of trying too hard or not trying enough and either going over or under puts me right off :( I think i need to see a shrink lol.

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Yeah i know what you mean i've just learnt to pedal up to front and gap to front but earlier when i done a gap to front i heard a huge crack :| I don't want to go emptying my pockets for some new forks. Although i do need to get rid of my Smart Guys!

It's all about your mentality. Don't think "I want to try that, but I don't like the look of it". Think positively, "I want to try that, and I know I can make it!". If you don't push yourself, you'll forever stay in your comfort zone and will never improve

I used to think i could and i was riding so good :) Those were the days

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It's all about your mentality. Don't think "I want to try that, but I don't like the look of it". Think positively, "I want to try that, and I know I can make it!". If you don't push yourself, you'll forever stay in your comfort zone and will never improve

I think that mentality for some people can change as you get older though. I now think "Im not sure if I can make that, and if I dont, how badly will I hurt myself".

As you get older and have more responsibilities ect, injuring yourself becomes a little more serious. Time off work can affect your pay, ability to pay bills, rent and everything else. Before, it just meant a few days off school.

I think eventually you get to a point where improving isnt as important as everything else.

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I think as you get older, the doubts surface more. Especially if you've had a injury before hand

EDIT: Not to say that all people are like that, personally id say just go for it, theres nothing that bad thats going to happen

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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Now Im 29 and had a couple of serious accidents (albeit on the bmx not the trials bike) Im not bothered to try to push myself to hard and my natural instinct will often tell me not to try something. I prefer to do something smooth and dialled rather massive and sketchy. For the 9 years Ive been riding Im pretty crap really :D

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It's all about your mentality. Don't think "I want to try that, but I don't like the look of it". Think positively, "I want to try that, and I know I can make it!". If you don't push yourself, you'll forever stay in your comfort zone and will never improve

ill remember this next brum ride :P you gotta do the barge gap!

anywho, just grow some balls :)

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i think fair do's anticipating a potential crash before you do a move. but i think we always over exagerate the severity of the crash and if we do crash its normally. i guess you learn to land on your feet with and you'd be suprised how quick we are to react. i think the best way is progression and take things at your own pace.

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I ride mainly with a 13 year old (I'm 18) because he's the only person where i live that rides. (and he's my next door neighbour and one of my best mates).

Anyways, he has the same amount/more balls than i do at trying stuff. When i'm out riding with him we both push each other, if i try stuff he will try after, and vice versa. I don't want a 13 year old to beat me therefore i am always pushing myself.

Yesterday we both learnt to wallride our BMX's.

You just have to always think positive. 95% of injuries when riding don't lead to a hospital visit. Trials and BMX are all about risk, you HAVE to push yourself. Everybody falls off.

I got a BMX last week and because we both work together when we ride i can already Manual, Crankspin, Wallride, 180, Tailwhip (Footjam).

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I don't know what it is but i have to tip my hat to most trials riders for some of the stuff you do, i mean i can do some pretty big stuff i'm just too scared of falling off lol. I don't know why because i wear my helmet and like they say "no pain no gain" and i know half the stuff i want to do i probably could it's just having the balls to do it! Is it just me or does anyone get this? E.G. I saw one of them barriers they put on car parks behind shops to stop people parking there and i know i could upto front it or pedal up it but the thought of trying too hard or not trying enough and either going over or under puts me right off :( I think i need to see a shrink lol.

Thats pretty normal, your probably comparing youself to much better riders and then thinking 'im never gonna do that' and then sort of quitting in your mind before youve started. All youve gotta do it build up to whatever move gradually just doing similar but smaller stuff and once you can do it youll just think its shit because its so easy then itll all start again.

i feel like my bike wont hold the impats and things that puts me off duing things and makes me feel crap

I get that too, now i try and wait until my wheel is really fked before doing drop gaps whioh is gash because dropgaps are the best

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It is right that the older you get the more you think about the pain!! ... for most anyway. I have a slipped disc in my back and have just started riding again on the cycles, it is all in the mind i know but i find it almost impossible to do back hops when off the ground. I can do a couple of foot drop onto a nice wide, flat landing but the idea of dropping off onto something and staying on the back wheel to hop onto something else is just something my brain bottles out of at the moment. Hopefully it will get better!!

Strangely i am the one in our group of riders to try the big stuff first on the motorcycle trials bike... Maybe because i have been riding for 35 years and know my limits and ability level.

The 4 of us over 40 year olds that ride the cycles together now are happy to start small and see how far we can get... but most of all we are having a laugh. When it stops being fun and becomes serious then is the time we will probably give it up!

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The 4 of us over 40 year olds that ride the cycles together now are happy to start small and see how far we can get... but most of all we are having a laugh. When it stops being fun and becomes serious then is the time we will probably give it up!

Thats such a refreshing attitude to see these days. Im glad there are some people who still ride for the fun factor.

Do you want to adopt me and teach me motorcycle trials?

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I never thought so many people would reply to this and it's right that i am comparing myself to better riders but thats simply because the amount i've progressed in 5 months is amazing apparently. The things i do just look so small on video but alot bigger when it's infront of me, this is frustrating but i guess it's one of those things you have to get used to.

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Thats such a refreshing attitude to see these days. Im glad there are some people who still ride for the fun factor.

Do you want to adopt me and teach me motorcycle trials?

No problems.... teach me biketrials and we will call it a deal :)

Personnel enjoyment is the main thing for us... getting onto a 2 foot high rock feels like a mountain to us and we are pleased. I splatted straight onto a bench and then managed a hop across a very small gap onto another level the other day and it felt like i had just done a world pro section... but on the picture it looks like it really is, piss easy :D But the feeling of achievement was huge. We are not after being able to drop off buildings or jump 10 foot gaps... just a great few hours out with my mates and a good laugh. At least we give anyone watching a good laugh as well :)

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Have a look at this: http://vimeo.com/1831788

Now everyone should feel crap at trials :P...

It doesn't matter what level the pro's are at these days - they're so far beyond the risks I'm willing to take and the skills/coordination I have it's only of academic interest anyway (But it does make for good video), it's all about whether I can do something I couldn't do before or do something I can already do but smoother, more precisely etc.

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Have a look at this: http://vimeo.com/1831788

Now everyone should feel crap at trials :P...

It doesn't matter what level the pro's are at these days - they're so far beyond the risks I'm willing to take and the skills/coordination I have it's only of academic interest anyway (But it does make for good video), it's all about whether I can do something I couldn't do before or do something I can already do but smoother, more precisely etc.

W.T.F?...................................... yeah,..... he must have thoes special tyres that make you really skilled! :huh:

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