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All you'd see then would be a green tick and a moderator's name, so you'd still be none the wiser about what had/hadn't happened.

This is all I see:


Fair enough, but if something could be put in place where you could see what was done about their report a lot more reports would come though.

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Fair enough, but if something could be put in place where you could see what was done about their report a lot more reports would come though.

Moderators aren't paid employees; monitoring their work will achieve absolutely nothing. Have a little faith in them :) I've reported things in the past and it usually gets deleted/edited by the moderator, I can see if my report has made a difference, 8/10 times it has!

I don't think you should be able to see if people have been warned; if someone bitches at you and you find they've only recieved a 20% warn, it'll turn into another bitchfest on the forum, then another, then another, then another...

Some things are best kept hidden :)

Im a regular on a lot of forums, this one is by far the best simply because it has some moral sway on the rules...they're all broken on a daily basis but the humour it brings isn't worth a warning/ban.

Over policed forums are just not fun at all.

Edited by anzo
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I'm not saying over police the place or make new rules, I'm just saying when two people enter into a 4 page argument over something unrelated to the topic, kick 'em out for the day and send 'em off with 20% or something.

And the "It's just an internet forum" comment - it's a useful resource, that at the moment is being taken over by children that want to argue about nonsense.

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Im a regular on a lot of forums, this one is by far the best simply because it has some moral sway on the rules...they're all broken on a daily basis but the humour it brings isn't worth a warning/ban.


Amen brother!

I think the moderators do a perfect job as it is. The more people get used to not getting warned, the more they'll get lairy and then one day one of the mods come down on them like a hammer because they've gone way past the line.

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I'm not saying over police the place or make new rules, I'm just saying when two people enter into a 4 page argument over something unrelated to the topic, kick 'em out for the day and send 'em off with 20% or something.

And the "It's just an internet forum" comment - it's a useful resource, that at the moment is being taken over by children that want to argue about nonsense.

You may dislike the arguments on here but theirs no need to be so patronising about it, every body over the age of 20 or so seems to think any one younger than them is a child, this is a forum, age shouldn't be brought into it.

I'm by no means trying to cause an argument here, just irritates me when people talk down to others, like the 'Come back when you're old enough to have sex ' Joke on the happy thread.It's just uncalled for.

I'm sure i'm right in saying that most members appreciate that the older members have been here longer and have more life experience than the younger ones (Goes without saying) but theirs no need to bitch about it.

After reading that back to my self i can't work out whether it makes any sense, i was up late and my brains fried :(

I'd also like to say thats not a stab at you in any way Sci, Your cool B)

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I'm sorry, but once you hit 24 (Or before maybe) people under 17 act / look / seem to be children.

I'm not trying to put anyone down, I do see 15/16 year olds as kids (Probably as I 'kind of' have one that is 14?)

But then don't you accept that they are that way and you were once that way? Is there any need to make them act your age when they are not your age?

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But then don't you accept that they are that way and you were once that way? Is there any need to make them act your age when they are not your age?

1) Did I say I wasn't once that way / age?

2) Did I say I want them to act my age?

I'm not saying they should act like an adult, I'm just saying that "IM GUNA COME AND f**k YOU UP SON" isn't very mature, even for a 16-17 year old.

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1) Did I say I wasn't once that way / age?

2) Did I say I want them to act my age?

I'm not saying they should act like an adult, I'm just saying that "IM GUNA COME AND f**k YOU UP SON" isn't very mature, even for a 16-17 year old.

My bad then, I seemed to interpet an implication that was otherwise.

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It's not worth arguing about (I know it's just a discussion so far).

As I said in the last arguments about this place starting to turn, there is not enough respect.

If the younger less mature forum members looked up to the old more experienced riders, and showed them more respect then the older members would also be a bit more lenient with the younger members.

How bad is it for people like me, I'm stuck in the middle ! :o

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Could everybody please note from this image which moderator appears to put the most work in out of us all? :P Seriously though, I think I was having one of my moderation rampages that day...

Yep. Like I said before, I'll warn some people without suspending them, but if someone properly f**ks up/is constantly a dick, I'll remove their posting ability/suspend them for a few days. It's generally either 3 days or 7 days, which I think is pretty much how Rich rolls too? That's just from seeing posts in SM chat though, so I may be wrong.

I'm generally pretty lax with suspending people, but when I do I generally don't muck around. a 20% warn and a week suspension isn't uncommon for people who have seriously pissed me off (my problem as a moderator is that I quite simply... hate.... all of you...) but I've been more lenient in the past.

One more thing about reports on a serious note: when people fill them out, could they please be clear about what they want me to look at? The number of people that just click a report and fill it out with incomprehensible rubbish is just nuts. Adam@Tartybikes reported something the other day marked simply 'lol' and after getting utterly frustrated I actually rang him and asked what it was he was actually reporting. Yeah, I've got a fair bit of time on my hands these days....


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I'm generally pretty lax with suspending people, but when I do I generally don't muck around. a 20% warn and a week suspension isn't uncommon for people who have seriously pissed me off (my problem as a moderator is that I quite simply... hate.... all of you...) but I've been more lenient in the past.

Word !


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