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9 Speed Gear Skippage


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Hi there guys!

I've got 9 speed gears on my jump bike, and they're skipping.

The cassette's worn down so it's all sharkfinned. Do you reckon that's the problem?

I've tried quite a few times to set the gears today, no luck, except on the larger rings, which are less worn.

It only started today when I put a new chain on. I know that using a 8spd chain on a 9spd cassette produces the same effect, but the two chains are definately 9spd, and the same width.

Help me please! This bike is my method of getting to college!

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that'll be it then. generally if you replace a cassette unless the chain is pretty new then you should replace the chain with it. so new chian on an old cassette is going to be bad news. the cassette would have worn as the old chain stretched, so the new chain wont sit on it properly and there you go it skips to buggery!

new cassette for you lad.

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