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"only If" Thread.


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This thread is for all you imaginative people (with good punctuation and spelling).

Simply think of one thing you would LOVE to do, don't have to be trials related. It can be out of this world! Make it insane!

Come on, this could get interesting :) .

I'll start, Well I think I should considering it's my thread :P , but I'll let everybody else use it :P .

Ok, enough jibba jabber,

I would love to drop off a 316 brick wall.. On the mood (In space), Riding a.. <_< Thinking..

Monty 221 Kamel 2008.

Simpy as that, your turn.

I've always wanted to ride one.

Edited by Smoby
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  Gok Wan said:
What does that mean?

and.... I wish I could have diplomatic immunity or was like super undercover operative so I could kill, steal and rape all I wanted.

10 points for pointing out my purpose made typing error.

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I want to go into outer space. How f**king mint must it be? I get a buzz flying a cessena plane and seeing the ground move away while in something less substantial than a car. Just imagine what it must be like to be half way in between the moon and earth, in some crappy craft resembling a tin can, that you are in control of. Must be the best feeling ever. And then to stand on another planet, and look back on the earth, through space, and think, fook me, we've come a long way!

My biggest fear would be seeing this:


What would you do then eh? Wouldn't like to shit myself in a space suit, there's nowhere for the smell to go.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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  Extreme_biker0 said:
What would you do then eh?

rip out the air pipes.

  Inur said:
Go to the moon and live there in luxury for a week under a huge dome with my mates. I'd certainly like to ride trials there, on a frame filled with concrete. Probably wouldn't be too pleasant returning to earth and experiencing the huge gravity difference though :P

Not to forget, the fact all your muscles would've weakened so you'd be shit when you get back to earth.

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  Revolver said:
Not to forget, the fact all your muscles would've weakened so you'd be shit when you get back to earth.

Bah muscle atrophy is a myth. I do a desk job, sat there for 8 hours a day dragging a mouse around a table, might as well be on the f**king moon, and I'm still strong as f**k. f**king f**k in fact.

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If I could do *ANYTHING* it would beeeee......

Doing a rally in Stig Blonqvists Saab 96 and the prize for winning being (as Scopse says) immune for being nicked !

Obviously i'd win, then i'd go and poke someones mum and post it on a forum they use.

Shit hot.

Then i'd go to America and buy a load of cars, come home to my super hot wife and live happily ever after.


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  Pashley26 said:
If I could do *ANYTHING* it would beeeee......

Doing a rally in Stig Blonqvists Saab 96 and the prize for winning being (as Scopse says) immune for being nicked !

Obviously i'd win, then i'd go and poke someones mum and post it on a forum they use.

Shit hot.

Then i'd go to America and buy a load of cars, come home to my super hot wife and live happily ever after.


What if there not sad like us and don't use a forum?

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