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Does Dot 5 Work Good In Maggies?

J Trials 31

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What about Pentosin oil for central hydraulic systems. Either CHF 7.1 or LHM Plus. Used in German stuff such as BMW, Audi, etc.

What about Pentosin oil for central hydraulic systems. Either CHF 7.1 or LHM Plus. Used in German stuff such as BMW, Audi, etc.

Sorry computers acting up! Alright, will check about some of that stuff.

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Dot 4/5 will eat your seals. The seals used in Maguras are designed for mineral oil.

Don't bleed your brake with Dot, as it will leak

DOT 3 and 4 are glycogen based. DOT 5 is silicone based. They are completely different. They use DOT 5 in Hope brakes, so why wouldn't it work in Maguras? Seals should be no problem with the silicone base.

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Hope you didn't bleed your maggie with any dot fluid. We had a guy in our shop just the other day, thought the warning on his shimano brakes saying mineral oil only was to stop you buying other brands oils so bled with dot 4. few hours later the seals died badly. very very costly for him.

Dot fluid eats the seals in mineral brakes, and mineral oil isn't any good for seals in dot 3/4/5 brake systems either.

I can't believe how many people come up with crazy ideas but won't bleed with water :S

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If you've got a track pump or air compressor it's really easy as you just blow air through it. If not, just take the brake off and the bleed bolts, and give it a good old shake. Usually worked for me. Either way, if you pump water through the system so it's been completely flushed through several times that should get rid of most of it, but then re-bleed it after a week or so and that'll get the last of it. If you empty it reasonably well first a water bleed should be fine. Just take your time with it and do it properly and it'll be fine - I know countless people, including myself, who've used water bleeds and found them to be really good, so there's no reason your's shouldn't work well.

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Then it sounds like it wasn't bled right? If it's bled right, it works better than Magura oil. There's not really much more I can say that than, because that's all there is to it?

If you've got that Magura blood and there's no other option apart from water, what have you got to lose by trying to see if that amount of oil works?

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