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Cern Is Leaky


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Seems CERN has lost a ton of helium. Thats a whole mess of hyper cooled gas to be losing. Looks like they have to stop smashing protons together while the heat the LHC up, fix the leak and the cool it down again to be the coldest place in the universe again.

And its network was hacked, not been a good month for them has it?


Edited by Tamness™
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I'm pretty sure it is. Anywhere in the absence of light i.e. barren space is round about 2/3 kelvin whereas CERN operates at around 0/1 kelvin.


I'm going to apologise for this in advance for my anality...

In February 2003, the Boomerang Nebula, was found to be −272.15 °C; 1 K, the coldest place known outside a laboratory. The nebula is 5,000 light-years from Earth and is in the constellation Centaurus.

The superconducting magnets in the LHC must be supercooled to 1.9 Kelvin (-271C; -456F), to allow them to steer particle beams around the circuit.
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I'm pretty sure it is. Anywhere in the absence of light i.e. barren space is round about 2/3 kelvin whereas CERN operates at around 0/1 kelvin.


There are lots of experiments dealing with super conducting and super low temperatures which are a fair way closer to absoute zero than the LHC.

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