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Late Night Thread V2

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Can someone please give me the proper definition of insomnia!

google gives conflicting opinions!

Anyway bender, why you always up at these times, lol?

I just don't really sleep a lot. Which is odd, as I am hideous when it comes to getting out of bed, but I just can't sleep when I get in it either, takes a while, so I sit here and chill, read some blogs, forums etc, wind down, then go to bed. It's a fair bit better than laying in bed doing nothing.

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There are plenty of raving pussies on here afraid to say what they mean. It is also late. I am now tired. Uni begins tomorrow.

Awesome video! I'm all about the short cat videos with epic moments where you think, dogs really do suck.

Spent the last few hours scouring every page of the Boti for this Audiosurf

so happy ive found it, can sleep now :)

Any song, any time, I am the master of Ninja Mono.

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I am up because I was playing spore, lol. I'm on tribe stage, my dudes have funny voices.

Game doesn't start to Universe stage.

It's ok, won't be buying it though.

I'm thinking I'll go to bed in a minute and read, friend dropped off some decent looking books n shizz earlier.

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